23: Two Months Later...

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HEEY EVERYONE! I'm finally baaaaaack!

Yes, I didn't die, I was just living under a rock... a very boring, school rock that consisted of like 21983300008458 school work to do/prepare for exams and mocks) so that sucked for me :(

Another reason was that I sort of lost inspiration to continue on with this chapter. Idk why but under all of the stress, this story was sort of the last thing I wanted to think about at the time. Sorry but not to worry, I'm baack now mwahaahaha xD

Also, I went on holiday.. a little while back in the summer, Two weeks simply just wasn't enough for a holiday in Thailand and I cannot even explain my new love for that country. Really! It's like another world over there and I love it ^_^

I also went to South Korea for five days between that so yay that was nice because I've pretty much wanted to go there for a while now ever since I got into watching K-drama and stuff XD

(P.S-  Does anybody else love watching kdrama's/listening to kpop? No..? ok ok. It's just me then I guess xD) 

BTW before I get started on this chapter - I would just like to say that this chapter will be dedicated to @lauramcg, because she left like the sweetest comment ever on my last chapter a few days ago, and when I read it, I just felt like crying because I couldn't even believe there was somebody out there who was still supporting me and reading this story (even though I practically stopped writing for ageeeeeees) so THANK YOU thank you so so very much guys, you've all been amazing and I love you all for not giving up on this fanfic ^_^

Another reason how I got my inspiration back was from listening to LM's and 1D's new album... azskjskdjf. MIDNIGHT MEMORIES AND SALUTE ARE BOTH THE DEFINITION OF PERFECTION GUYS like, I cannot even explain how much I love their new albums :'') 

P.S - I have a very awkward story to share with you guys on what happened to me on the flight back home... seriously guys it was so bad, I was cringing for hours on the plane! loool xD



Niall’s P.O.V

Two months later…


No respond once again..

Oh god, here we go…

“Oi Liam!” I yell, throwing a pillow at his face in which he just so happened to have caught anyway…

Well, at least he caught it this time…

“What?” He replies with that same dull tone I’ve been hearing from him ever since the breakup.

“Were you even listening to what I just said?” I question, crossing my arms as he turns to face me.


He’s lying of course…

“Okay…no, not exactly” He finally admits after having to avoid my stare for so long.

“Clearly” I mutter, annoyed.

“So? It’s not my fault! Why are you even talking to me, you know I’m just not in the mood right now…” He tries to defend himself.

Yeah right...

“You’re never in the mood Li.” I roll my eyes, knowing the exact reason why.

“Ever since you broke up with Dani you’ve been acting as if you don’t even have a heart. What’s wrong with you?” I say, after holding it all in for more than a week, this stubborn fool still doesn’t have the guts to own up to what he did, let alone talk about it.

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