LIV. Inundate

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overwhelm with things or people to be dealt with

It had been weeks since those moments between Luke and I when he finally exposed his true realization of love to me and everything had been going great. In our time that was free, we spent together and planned multiple dates that ended up being carried out soon after. Luke and I were truly living the dream.

However, when the time finally came for all of us- meaning Luke, Michael, Ashton, Calum, Bob, and myself- to come together and discuss what was happening in concern to the minor details of freeing our society from the government, everything we built seemed to fall apart at the seams.

My mind seemed to be racing at a thousand miles per second as I listened to the plans laid out before me. While I had been away, the colony and its entirety had been at work to find out where and how to find me, but a designated group of people had been in charge of what would happen when I was found. They were what some may call the 'foresight' of the colony.

The plans they created were extensive. From the way the code was going to be decoded to who was going to be administering the doses of life changing serum to civilians, they had it planned and patent. Things that I had failed to account for such as the Bots not having any previous skills in the aspect of life altering decisions and how to extract the Brains from their positions before they were killed due to their twin being freed from the tyrannical oppression of the government were all perfectly sorted out.

Although I had failed to see these major problems, they hadn't and they had spent the past seven months finding solutions to them, and they had succeeded in all aspects of their jobs. Blueprints for a new colony were laid out before me as two members of the unseen group were explaining the living arrangements and how the new society would function.

"So to control the ever growing population of the colony we have two choices. One thought is to accommodate these changes. We have a whole underground living system to use as well as the cities to populate once we have control over the government," one of the men standing before us began, his words sounding confident and calculated.

My eyes snapped open, the thought of this had never occurred to me. Who was to lead the new government after this one toppled to the ground? We couldn't allow the people we had just rescued from oppression to go into anarchy, but by the same account, we couldn't confine them to our system of government as that would be no better than the option currently facing them. The entire thought process was mind numbing.

About a quarter of the way through the endless debate of what we were to do, my head fell forward into my hands as a painful migraine began to set in due to the constant bickering of the two sides. Luke's head turned towards me attentively, searching for any signs of distress on my face. His hand lightly trailed up and down my thigh, hidden by the expanse of the table.

"Are you okay, love?" he asked quietly, his growing facial hair scratching and tickling my cheek due to his close proximity, not that I would complain. I nodded my head, looking up to meet his concerned blue eyes staring down into my gray ones. A sigh escaped my mouth as I hesitantly explained to him my opinions on the topic currently being debated.

"Why do they think they get to make the decisions for them? The whole point of freeing them is to give these people a voice. Right now they are under tyranny and the people in charge think nothing is wrong because no one has spoken out, but the terrible reality is that people have spoken out and gotten killed for it, Luke," I whispered in his ear, slightly seething from my pent up aggression towards the decisions being made.

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