LXIII. Nudiustertian

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/noo-dee-uhs-TUR-shuhn, nyoo-/


of or relating to the day before yesterday

"What happened?" Luke asked, wrapping his arms around my petite frame in a vain attempt to calm the raging hormones running through me.

"I'm so so sorry," I kept repeating, my voice throbbing and my being feeling as though it would collapse.

In hindsight, the notion of me having to go through this tragedy was preposterous only a year prior, when I still believed that I was a semi-normal Brain. Back in the time when I believed this, my mind told me that Luke and I would never have to worry of this until the serum was reversed. However, now my entire calculation for mine and Luke's lives had been wrong.

"Melissa, I need you to talk to me," Luke's patient voice spoke through the haze I was in currently. "I need you to tell me what happened so I can fix it," he whispered, causing me to cry out loudly and cling to his arms as though they would rescue me from the pain I was feeling within my soul.

"I-" The air in my lungs was sucked out as I remembered the doctor's words in my head, repeating as if they were on a continuous loop.

"Melissa, have you been sexually active?" the familiar brunette asked. My eyes wrinkled in concern at his question before nodding my head, confused as to the pertinence of that information.

The doctor's face fell immediately at this response, leaving me in the dark and frightened as I repeatedly asked him what was wrong.

"What is wrong with me?" I asked through gritted teeth, attempting to remain as calm as I could, despite not having Luke with me. His face gave nothing away as he scanned his manila folder thoroughly before looking back towards me.

"I'm assuming you know of your heritage," the doctor stated, looking at me as if waiting for an answer.

I nodded my head again, still not catching on to his notion. A feeling of apprehension filled my body as I considered the possibility of the doctor being from the White Coats. My body tensed as I prepared myself to scream for help after my next question.

"Did the White Coats send you?" I asked, unsure as to why else he would know my heritage. His head shook as his eyes became even more dull, looking as though he may cry at the news he was given to deliver.

"Melissa, you were the product of two White Coats and never given the serum which all other citizens receive. As you and I know, the serum prevents against many thing including pregnancy until the White Coat's desired time." His words filled my head and I nodded, following his thoughts. My hand motioned for him to continue; however, he looked at his chart for the third time, making sure his words were correct.

"If you don't know what you are talking about maybe you should have someone whom does," I encouraged, growing tired of watching him check everything over and over again. "I don't believe this infirmary is supposed to make a patient feel as though they are dying just because they didn't receive a vaccine in their childhood."

"Ms. Jennings, your human chorionic gonadotropin levels a few months ago when you arrived were at five milli-international units per milliliter, which is within normal range," he stated, causing me to give him a look as though he was crazy. "Just give me a moment to explain. The levels I was talking about are called hCG levels, which are used to measure the female hormones and determine pregnancy."

"You think I'm pregnant?" I asked, my heart rising in my chest, feeling as though it was climbing up my throat. I could feel it beating second by second, causing me to almost pass out at the feeling.

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