Stone Cold

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I woke up and stared at the bare ceiling of my studio apartment.

"Oh, God, another day."

I looked to the clock on my right. 7:30. I guess one thing I don't miss from the 40s is the Army morning roll call at 5am. I might as well get up and get going before all the best things are bought.

Going to the Farmers Market in town has become a habit of mine shortly after moving out of the Stark tower and to this mountain town. I don't think I'll ever understand why Steve said this would be a great place for me. There are tens of thousands of college students, individuals, and families all around the town. Despite all of the people crowded into such a small town, I can see the charm he saw in it.

Fall is finally starting to set in. The leaves are just beginning to change shades and the air is crisp. Even back in the 40's, Fall was my favorite season...if for no other reason than all the dolls I went out with were extra cuddly and boy, you could get far for giving up a jacket.

As I got lost in the satisfying memories, I forgot I had been brushing my teeth until toothpaste drivel dropped down my chin and onto my chest, pulling me from picturing one of the gals I had wooed back in the day.

"Wake up, man, you're never going to have that again. You have no warmth. You've killed dozens of people. You're a cold killer even if you choose not to anymore. That choice doesn't change your past or that you did it, no matter what Steve says," I said, glaring at myself in the mirror threateningly.

"Man, do I really want to go this morning?"

I rolled my eyes before slowly pushing myself up and out of bed. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as I walked to the bathroom, only a few feet away, in my tiny apartment. I brushed my teeth to get the trashy taste out of my mouth and threw my hair into a ponytail. After a deep breath, it was time for coffee. My coffee maker would have to work harder this morning than it had been doing lately. It's getting cooler outside as Fall is setting in. Thank heavens because even in the Virginia mountains, it had been a sweltering summer and I was fed up with sweating the moment I stepped out the door. As I fixed my coffee, my mind wandered, thinking of my family I'd left back in NC. Today would have been a nice day to drive down, but the market is open and I have products to sell and money to make. The bills aren't going to pay themselves. When looking at my watch, I couldn't help but notice I could squeeze in an extra five minutes of thought on my balcony. I opened the sliding door and stepped into the chill air, but was immediately warmed up by the rising sun and the hot coffee in hand.

I can't help but sigh in the contentment of the moment. My eyes graze over the sinuous river, water peacefully lapping on the bank. The train tracks quiet, but in a few hours, once the market starts up, the resounding whistle is sure to be heard. The parking lots are fairly empty still, surprisingly. I figured more people would be getting their outdoor activities started early, but I suppose people just took the crisp morning to stay in bed for now.


Forgetting about my responsibilities, I noticed 10, instead of 5 minutes had passed. I quickly stepped inside and shut the door, locking it, and headed for the sink in one fluid movement. I slipped my Toms on, grabbed my bag, sweater, and beanie before closing the door behind me and locking it. I rushed down the stairs-the lift took too long-and to Kasper, the friendly Kia.

"Ooh! Good morning Kasper! Thanks for being warm and toasty!"

I'm sure glad I got a start up button when I got this vehicle, it sure comes in handy on mornings like this.

"Kasper, aren't you glad we don't have to drive out to the farm this morning?"

Kasper seemed to purr in response as I put him in reverse and headed down Main Street to the unloading spot they reserved for those selling at the market. I quickly unloaded what I had picked at the farm the previous evening. Yes, I live such a glamorous life. In between spending the majority of my time working at The Muse which was my favorite coffee shop when I moved here, two face-to-face classes a week, working through the rest of my grad school work at work or at my favorite local book store, the extra shifts I was able to catch at the school's writing center, and picking fruit to sell at the market, there wasn't really time for anything other than those things. I knew when I made the decision to quit my teaching job and move out of state for grad school, it was going to be a challenging transition, but it was worth it if I could conquer it in the end.

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