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I rushed back upstairs and quickly to my room, trying to avoid running into anyone. As I got to my door, I noticed a figure form to my left. I looked up, afraid Bucky caught me eavesdropping. To my surprise, it was Natasha. She stared at me, for the first time, not in anger, but with complete sadness. I nodded in her direction, unsure what to do with this new Natasha, before entering my room and shutting the door behind me. I took a deep breath before heading to the bathroom to change and wash my face. It wasn't even late, but my mind seemed so boggled that the best solution seemed to be to go to bed. I laid down, deep in thought, a few moments later I heard a soft knock on my door.

"(Y/n), it's Bucky," I heard softly through the door. I hesitated a moment before answering.

"Come in."

He walked in slowly, cautiously. When he saw me in bed already, he became unnerved, worried he had wakened me. I began to sit up, pulling the covers around my chest and torso and laying back against the headboard.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," he stood in the doorway, unsure what to do.

"You didn't, it's okay, come on in." I patted the side of the bed, motioning for him to sit.

He still stood just for a split second, obviously debating on what to do, but he shut the door behind himself and approached me slowly and sat, with a little distance left between us.

"So is everything okay?" I asked this, trying to make it seem like I was completely in the dark.

"Yeh, I think so anyways....so back to our conversation."

"Honestly, Bucky, can we not talk about it anymore tonight?"

He looked at me, a little surprised, unsure what to say next.

"Come here," I said before an Ed Sheeran song popped into my mind.

For a little lie down with me
If you fall asleep
It wouldn't be the worst thing

He gave me a small smile as I took his arm and pulled him gently closer to me. I lowered myself just a little and placed his head on my stomach, and began running my fingers through his thick hair.

"Please continue singing," he requested, causing me to grin.

But when I wake up
Your...warpaint.... is on my shoulder
And tell me, if I lie down
Would you stay now
And let me hold you?

He began to grin as his eyelids fluttered shut. I lowered my voice to a softer volume and continued the song, but at a slower pace than it was written.

But if I kissed you
Will your mouth read this truth?
Darling, how I miss you
Strawberries taste how lips do
And it's not complete yet
Mustn't get our feet wet
'Cause that leads to regret
Diving in too soon
And I'll owe it all to you
My little bird
My little bird

I leaned down slightly to kiss his forehead before I fell asleep myself.


The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now