One tequila, two tequila...floor

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The next morning when I got to the coffee shop, things were hectic, especially for a Sunday. Granted it was the weekend before Fall Break so there were plenty of papers due, but it was probably the busiest it had ever been since I started working there.

It slowed down finally around two and my brain actually had time to think about something other than coffee. My mind immediately went to Bucky and I felt myself smile involuntarily. "This cannot be happening," I thought to myself causing my smile to grow even more. Bucky is quite possibly the sweetest guy I've ever met. He is thoughtful, well mannered, and yes, quite handsome. He-

My thoughts were cut short when I heard the bell ring and looked up to see the current core of my thoughts. He was wearing a burgundy shirt that stretched tight across his chest, underneath his brown leather jacket. He wasn't wearing the ball cap he wore out most of the time so that the sunlight streaming through the shop windows caught his eye making them glow sparkle like clear water in the Caribbean.

"Hello there, handsome," I said slowly, taking in his beauty.

"Hey, beautiful."

He approached the counter then looked around at the nearly empty shop.

"So, do you think I could sneak a little something to you?"

"As long as it isn't drugs," I began chuckling at the surprise that was apparent on his face.

"Uhhh, no, not that." He looked back and forth again, before leaning over the counter a little bit, raising his eyebrows flirtatiously at me, then I realized what he wanted to "sneak."

I stood on my tiptoes to lean on my side of the counter, nearing my lips towards his. He placed a quick and soft kiss on my lips before pulling away, hearing Maggie call my name as she came from the kitchen.

I quickly stepped away from the counter to act as if nothing happened, but she just looked at me with surprise before smiling and lifting her eyebrows at me as if to say "oh, yeh, I saw that! Good job."

I felt myself blushing before I dropped my eyes from hers and glanced at Bucky who was looking at the counter, trying, and failing, to contain a grin at being caught.

"Hello, sir! I'm Maggie, the shop owner. Is there something we can get for you? Something to go along with that little bit of sugar you just had?"

My eyes widened and a grin, turned full tight-lipped smile, formed on my face. I tried to elbow Maggie, but she dodged it.

Bucky took it in stride, chuckling, and answered.

"The sugar was quite sweet, so maybe just some strong coffee?"

"Great, I'm sure (y/n), can whip that right up for you. Right, (y/n), you have time for that before your break?"

Before my break? I didn't get a break because my shift was so short today.

"My break? But I don't...." then I figured out what she was doing. I raised one eyebrow at her, grinning with only one side of my mouth. I can't believe she's doing this.

"Yes, before my break. I guess I have time for that."

She smiled back at my understanding and response.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now