A Mutual Niceness

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She wasn't answering my texts or calls. I know Steve said she'd make contact but she can't just drop in like a literal bomb. I waited until 10 am and then I decided I'd go out in search of her and this 'Jake' person. I began combing the city. I started closest to the tower and began edging my way out. As I walked across 26th and Broadway someone bumped my shoulder purposefully. I turned quickly, defenses up, only to be surprised at seeing a blue-eyed man named James Barnes smirking at me. He had purposefully snuck up on me. He may have trained me as the Winter Soldier but I never would be able to match his stealth senses. He knew he surprised me more than he ever expected when I drew back in surprise at seeing a smile.

"Ja-Barnes. What are you doing here," I halfway stuttered the words.

"I felt like you were stressed and maybe could use some company," he said easily, shrugging enough to show his weak resolve. I could only nod. "Is that okay?"

"Ahm...yeah." I wasn't sure what to do. I could only hope we wouldn't run into (y/n) now.


I wanted to respond to the Black Widow. I truly did but I felt like they deserved more than I could give with Jake around. Even after all of this time he only knew I had a bad breakup. He had no idea who it was with or the connections I had made. I tried to put it all out of my mind and enjoy the time with Jake. He had done all of this for us. I did not want to ruin it by doing anything but worry, stress, and live inside my head while we were here. We went and visited Chinatown and Little Italy. We went to my favorite spot that serves the best tiramisu you can buy in the city. We headed for the gelato shop afterward and began walking back towards Time Square. It would take a little bit of time but we just strolled easily along enjoying the dessert before stopping for waters to wash the creamy goodness down. After we had walked about 40 blocks we had slowed even more, I suggested taking a seat for a short break. Jake obliged and we went to sit. After a few moments of easy chatting passed, I was staring off, admiring the city and observing those passing us. I was looking further up towards MSG when my eyes saw red hair and a completely covered arm...in this August heat. I felt my eyes grow large, my heartbeat accelerated, and my breath quickened. I frantically grabbed Jake's hand and slapped a fake playful smile on my face. I dragged him off the bench and pulled him into the closest empty alley so that we wouldn't be seen. Thankfully Jake was about a half a foot taller than me so I pulled him into me as if he was a physical wall I was building to block the sight of me. I kissed him hard, fast, and hungrily. I needed him to return this hunger. I needed his hunger to exceed my own. I needed him to be so involved in the kiss that we would not be discovered, that I would not be seen. I didn't dare open my eyes. I was fearful we would be caught. I was afraid I'd open my eyes and they'd be there gawking at us. My eyes would see him and my heart would break all over again. We were both breathless by the time we broke away from each other. I didn't offer any other intelligence that would point to the fact that I was breathless for a different reason. As he leaned harder into me, I felt my phone buzzing in my front pocket. I heard his voice go gruff when the phone buzzed again against him. He stepped away just far enough that I couldn't see his past his waist but enough so that I could get my phone.

I saw it was messages from Natasha again.

I saw you. Bucky didn't. Please call Steve ASAP.

I quickly tucked my phone back into my pocket. I looked up. I could see the embarrassment all over Jake's face, however, and it made me laugh. It brought me a bit of amusement amidst the panic. I pulled him back to me playfully, gently, I pulled on the neck of his shirt, urging him to kiss me again. I care about Bucky. I miss Bucky. I love Bucky....but this man made me happy too. We hailed a cab to take us back to the hotel so that Jake wouldn't have to walk the street in his condition. We got back to the hotel room and made out more, more deeply which we hadn't thought possible, and more synchronized than before. Jake halted the kissing after about 15 minutes of heavy breathing and hands all over. He stepped into the bathroom and I heard the shower crank up. I knew he may be in there for a bit.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now