White Knight

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The food hit the spot and it wasn't long before Jake's Jeep crossed the Lynchburg city limits sign. I had him take me to the Muse because I didn't want him to know where I lived quite yet. Gayle and her husband, Mark, were waiting for us at the coffee shop when we arrived. I saw their Civic sitting out front. I text her to let her know we had arrived as Jake parked and crossed to help me out of the vehicle and down onto the sidewalk. They met us at the door, Mark holding it open to let the two of us in. As I entered, I asked to sit on the comfy couch right beside the door. When I looked up as I sat, I for the first time saw Mags with a horror-stricken look she couldn't hide fast enough. I looked at her strangely and saw her eyes flit to the side of the shop. My eyes followed hers.

I saw nothing to cause that look so I spoke directly to her, worry apparent in my voice. "Mags, you okay? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," she stuttered out. "I ahm."

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need to sit down?" I was afraid something was medically wrong with her.

"No," she brought a scarce smile to her face in attempts to reassure me. "I'm fine, I promise. You don't look so great, though. What happened?" I explained everything that had happened. "Well, Jake, I must say, you sound like a true hero and we're all so very grateful you were there."

"Well, thank you, ma'am. I'm not sure I'd take it that far, but I'm glad I was there as well." He looked over at me slowly as he finished his audible thought, giving me a soft smile. I blushed due to intimacy I could feel radiating off of his face. Why and how was this happening? I looked away and over to Gayle in order to hide the flushing of my cheeks.

"I figured Mark and I could go get your vehicle if you'd like to just hang out here at the coffee shop. I figured you'd be comfortable here if you're okay with that," she offered.

"Ahm, yeah, that'd be great."

"We'll be abundantly careful with Kasper. I know you don't like other people driving it," she reassured me. I had to laugh softly.

"I know you will. It's the least of my worries right now. Thank you so much, you and Mark both, for helping out."

"Of course, friend," she replied, hugging me close and then getting up to follow Mark to the car and headed for the parkway. Mags had to go back to work as a rush came in. Jake made no move to leave so we both sat there in silence. I noticed it seemed as if he had a content smirk on his face. After some time passed, I couldn't stop myself from asking, "so, thanks again for everything." He laughed an airy laugh.

"Okay, I get it. I'm working the night shift tonight anyway so I should probably go home to catch a nap. It was good meeting you, (y/n). If you need anything, you know where I work." He took my hand and pulled it to his lips after he stood up. That was new, but my scarlet cheeks were not. With that, he walked out of the door and only after I knew the Jeep had pulled away did I turn to look after him.

"So he seems nice," Mags said sitting down beside me. I hadn't even seen her walking over. Man, my observing my surroundings skills had really gone downhill.

"Yeah, I suppose so," I trailed off.

"What's wrong with him?" Her question caused me to laugh and look at her.

"I didn't say anything was wrong with him."

"Those may not have been your words but it was your tone," she replied gently.

"I don't know, Mags. Yes, he's nice. He saved my life. I should probably fall head over heels for him because of it but...I can't...I just...don't feel that way." She remained thoughtfully quiet for a few moments then decided to pose her question.

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