The Newcomer

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I didn't have time to warn Natasha. (Y/N) was already attacking her. I punched Charscovsky three times, once to cause unconsciousness, another time for everything he'd done to her, and a third time to ensure he'd remain out for a while. (Y/n) once made me watch a strange movie named Zombieland and if I learned nothing else from it, I learned to double-tap.

As he slid to the floor, I quickly tried to figure out how to handle the situation. I sprung towards (Y/n), knocking her so that we rolled across the ground but she no longer had Natasha pinned. I pinned her but it wasn't for long. She kneed me in the gut and when I scrunched in pain she was able to kick me off and against the wall. The strength was undeniable. Natasha distracted her as she began to charge me, shocking her with one of those taser discs she always had on hand. It stopped (Y/n) just long enough for me to step away from where she was headed. I attempted to pin her hands behind her back but she bounced back from the tasering quicker than expected. He had taken her from me in the worst way imaginable.

"Bucky, " I just barely heard Natasha say. "We've got to get her unconscious. She's manic, " she said in between blocking hits. "Barnes!" she continued, at a higher volume this time in hopes of knocking me from my thoughts. "I know you don't want to but you HAVE to. You have to do it! Do it for (Y/n)." Natasha was able to grab her just in time for me to push her so hard into the concrete wall that she fell down immediately unconscious.

I stumbled down beside her to hold her in my arms. Tears came to my eyes. "Natasha, all I ever wanted was to not harm her, yet here we are again. I've thrown her into another wall and now worst of all, she's a winter soldier."

Out of nowhere, someone was on my back and attempting to take me to the floor. Given that they had the element of surprise, they almost succeeded. I grabbed them just right, throwing them backward off of me but they simply skimmed across the floor, landing on all fours. When she looked up I recognized the face but not the eyes. It was (Y/n) but it was obvious that she was no longer (Y/n). They had turned her and this was about to be a horrendous situation. She ran at me again but luckily I was prepared so I began blocking every punch and kick she sent my way amidst trying to speak with James. "He is not going to handle this well, " I thought as she hit me in the neck with her leg, attempting to take me down. I had to convince him to knock her out. He was the only one of us strong enough to do it. She was too strong in her maddened state. I didn't want to watch the heartbreak on his face as my words registered and he came to the terms that he would indeed have to knock her out. Luckily, I was too distracted attempting to retain my life than to have to watch this but after she was unconscious on the floor, I had to see it and it was 70 times worse than I thought it would be. Despite my heart breaking for James, a shadow caught my attention more than the cracking inside my chest. I readied myself for another attack.

Out of the shadows came a figure completely clothed in black, in a...was that a catsuit? The figure held up their hands as in surrender as another figure appeared to their left, an African woman dressed in warrior garb. The face of the suit disappeared and the face of an African man appeared in its stead.

"Hello, I am King T'Challa of Wakanda. This is Okoye. We have been tracking Hydra for two years now and we came to confiscate the leader but it seems you've almost beat us to it." He attempted a smile, yet it was obvious they both remained on guard and prepared for a fight if there would be one. I stood slowly. I knew the name but only as a dignitary. Wakandans tended to keep to themselves despite that wars around their nation broke out consistently; they always remained neutral and out of the fight. I rose slowly. I didn't believe them to mean any harm, especially if they had been indeed hunting Hydra superiors.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now