Relive the moment

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She was finally here. I could finally have her near and it was as if simultaneously, years, yet no time had passed since we were last together. After the events of the afternoon, including she and Natasha exchanging words, meeting everyone, and finding herself in a new place, I felt that she needed some time out, and honestly I couldn't turn down a chance to get out from under their watchful eyes. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate everything they're trying to do for me, but I just wanted to be alone with her, no curious or judging eyes to worry about. Once the crowd parted, I somehow knew she'd be up for some time out in the city.

I hadn't originally planned on taking her to Brooklyn, but as we walked through the city, it was like something was tugging me there, wanting to spill every detail of myself, that I could, with her. I didn't know how she'd take it, but as I mentioned it, she seemed touched and excited that I wanted to share that part of my life with her. As we entered, I let her walk ahead. She seemed to take everything in, looking at everything in almost adoration. She was in awe of the collection of the 1940s and I knew she must have felt like she was taking a literal step back in time, but she seemed to appreciate it nonetheless. I, of course, didn't notice the cold quite as much until I saw her shiver. I went to make some coffee and we sat down to enjoy it. She sat next to me and leaned in. Whether it was heat from her body, or the excitement in my own building up, my body temperature and nervous system seemed to be changing quickly. I still couldn't believe she would risk such closer quarters with me. I tried to push away the urge to slide away and keep my distance, her injuries from a few months before flashing across my mind. She asked about how my memories were, and while I wanted to lie and say everything was okay, I couldn't. I even heard Steve's voice in my head:

"I told her everything is okay. She doesn't need to know how rough things are. She's already worried enough. She doesn't deserve all of that burden on her."

Despite that, I couldn't not tell her. I couldn't lie to her. I didn't tell her how bad it was, or had been at times, but I didn't lead her to believe everything was great either. As bad memories hit me, she gently took my mind off of it by asking me to recall positive memories. When I looked at the clock it was 6p.m. I couldn't believe I had talked for that long. I mentioned this and that we should probably be heading back soon. I took the cups to the kitchen sink and began to wash them before I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind. My skin began to crawl, in a good way. I felt the blood flowing in my veins begin to speed up. I haven't felt like this...since I had last lived here. I turned around, looking into her eyes, searching for an answer to the question mine held. Her answer was simple, she leaned into me and kissed me. My lips joined in the kiss and I reached down to pick her up and place her around my waist. I needed her like I needed my next breath, and it seemed she felt the same way. In the process of picking her up, when she went to wrap her legs around my waist, she kicked the counter I was leaning against, causing us both to laugh. As if the kiss couldn't get any better, the laughter and light-heartedness only improved the moment. I carried her across the room. Considering I hadn't been here often and couldn't remember everything, I bumped into a few things on my way to carrying her to the couch. This made her laugh more. I joined her. Once I reached the couch, I hovered my body over hers. I looked into her softening eyes. I leaned down and kissed her neck ever so lightly. She drew back from me, which made me look to her frightened, but when I saw it was due to her being ticklish, I grinned and went back for more. I kissed below her ear before slowly moving down the side of her throat. This came natural, apparently, as if I had never stopped doing this. I dragged my nose back up the path where my lips had just caressed. I let my face travel across her throat lightly to the other side and drug my nose and lips just into her hairline before kissing my way down the other side of her throat, I let my teeth nibble just slightly in this process and I heard her breathlessly utter my name. I pulled back, but put more weight on the right side of my body so that my left hand could run down the side of her body ever so lightly and at a glacial pace. Her skin was prickling and her eyes had turned smoky.

My phone rang, of course, and I couldn't help but curse the phone. Of course. it was Steve. Of course, he wanted me to come back. Of course, he had to choose this moment of all moments to call and need me. We got our things and needless the say the cab ride was interesting. Our moment continued, but with an audience, however, neither of us cared. We just wanted each other in all ways possible. We got back to the tower after grabbing a bite to eat and once back Steve interrupted yet another important moment. He pulled me away quickly.

"Steve. What the hell is so urgent? You kinda interrupted some very important moments for (y/n) and I."

"Buck. I'm sorry, but Natasha has been having a meltdown for the past hour and a half. She thinks something has happened to you, that Hydra has found and taken you."

"Why does that matter? Why is she even worried about me? She doesn't even like me and she clearly doesn't like (y/n). Why would she be concerned about us?"

"....Buck, I just need you to show her you're okay, alright, and then I'll let you get back to (y/n). Okay? I promise."

"Fine, I still don't understand wh-" I began to mutter as we entered the door to the training room. However, the sight of Natasha stopped my speech and my movements. Upon entering, I saw her fighting, very strongly, against both Clint and Wanda. Considering Clint was her best friend, the dangerous attempts to get away from him shocked me. He could easily get hurt, which is what brought on the assistance from Wanda. Natasha was strong, though, and she was giving them a run for their money. Her face showed pure agony, hot anger, tear-stained agony. Her normal hard-as-nails, 110% determined facade completely diminished and was nowhere to be found. 

"...Buck?" Steve whispered to me, causing me to begin moving slowly in Natasha's direction. When he saw that I was following beside him, he spoke to her.

"Natasha. Natasha, listen to me. Look. We found him. We found him. He's okay. He was just out in the city. He's here. He's back. He's okay. You have to calm down." She wasn't calming down. She wasn't paying Steve any attention. She was still too busy fighting. "Nat." His voice remained calm, but there his tone was less gentle, more direct, and slightly louder in volume. "The Winter Soldier is here. He's okay. Look over here." 

Her body stilled mostly as the words seemed to register with her. Her eyes met mine and she collapsed, Clint keeping her from hitting the floor. 

"Let me go, I'm....fine......James," she whispered so that we barely heard her. "J-James. You're okay." She rushed towards me. I didn't say anything, I just stared, not having seen this shocking side of her before. I didn't have words so I just nodded.  When she reached me, she grabbed onto me, tossing her arms behind my back and pulling our bodies as close as she could get them. I looked to Steve for help. I didn't understand what was happening. Why was she doing this? What was happening? He attempted a smile and shake of his head as if to say "just go with it." I didn't return the affection, but it didn't seem to matter. After a few awkward moments, Clint came up to us.

"Nat, you're exhausted, why don't you get some sleep for the night. Everything's okay now," he said as he placed a hand gingerly on her shoulder. She stepped away from me, nodding in Clint's direction. She looked at me again, stepped towards me and leaned up to kiss me on the cheek before following Clint out of the room. Wanda tapped me on the shoulder reassuringly on her way out behind them, leaving Steve and I alone.

"Wha....what the hell was that, Steve?"

He looked at me with what looked like pity in his eyes, but he quickly pushed it away. "Don't worry about it right now, Buck. Why don't you get back to your 'moment' with (y/n)." He finished the phrase with a smile. I knew he was avoiding something big, putting it off, but the idea of getting back to (y/n) was more powerful than my curiosity and confusion. I nodded, turned, and made my way upstairs, my heart slowly swelling with joy in every step.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now