Cry me a river

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It took about a week for my body to heal. I worked on school work from home and had to call Mags and lie about being really sick. I hated lying to her, but any conversation about what happened would not go well. Somehow she didn't seem to know who Bucky was.

Steve had been at my beck and call every day, but was sometimes replaced by Sam and Bucky. Bucky didn't have much to say to me or to anyone from what it seemed. He was drawing even more into himself than he had before. Despite all that I was wanting to do was to help him, I decided not to push it this time. I tried to give him encouraging smiles when I caught his eye, but he would always look away whenever we made eye contact.

On Saturday afternoon I walked into the living room to see Steve lying on the couch. He was adorable all scrunched up on my tiny couch. I started some coffee and headed back to my room so as not to wake him.

When I reentered the kitchen to pour me a cup, Steve said from behind me.

"You're walking on your own seems back to normal."

I turned around to see him sitting up on the couch, but his legs were still stretched out.

"Yeh, everything is pretty much healed, thankfully. Being laid up is not my idea of a good time. I'm ready to get things back to normal."

"Speaking of that, I kinda need to speak with you about something."

The seriousness of his tone peaked my interest so I left the coffee cup and entered the kitchen as he moved his feet to the floor allowing me to sit. He angled his body away but facing me.

"Steve, what's going on?"

"Look, (y/n)...please just let me finish, okay. You're not going to want to, but please allow it."

I felt my jaw and lips tighten, partially an attempt not to interrupt, part of me already not wanting to accept what he had to say, part of me simply nerves flowing at an excessive speed throughout my body.

"(Y/n)...I wanted to wait until you were well to talk about this. ...We think that it'd probably be best...if Bucky moves back to Stark Tower for awhile until he is more stable. He doesn't completely know what triggered his actions and we need to work to figure it out. Tony has some ideas and some tests he wants to run, but Buck doesn't need to be around...normal people during it. I know that you two were getting close very quickly, but I...we, Bucky and I, both think it's for the best."

My eyes immediately filled with tears as I took in what Steve was saying. Bucky was leaving. I had finally found someone worth spending time with, someone, who didn't annoy me and understood my schedule.

"Steve, please..." I tried to continue but a sob caught in my throat. "Please, don't do this. Don't take him away."

I looked into his eyes and I saw the grief that was growing. He knew this was hurting me worse than the injuries from a week ago. I had asked about Bucky every single day, multiple times, especially when he didn't visit.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I really am. I wish there was another way bu-"

"There is! There is, Steve! Let him stay here. Let me take care of him. I'll keep an extra eye on him. If I sense any trouble I'll let you know asap."

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