The Winter Princess

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I was under again, of this I was certain. I could feel the bleakness and even my body felt as though it were in pain. I remained in the dark for quite some time, attempting to regain what memory I must have lost. It seemed like forever and yet no time at all before I felt a layer of cold beginning at my wrist and making its way up and down the rest of my body. I wasn't sure why or how, but I knew it had to be something injected into my body. I waited, straining to make my brain register and communicate to me any sounds or voices coming from outside of my body. I didn't have to strain long before a familiar voice came to me.

"(Y/n). I don't know if you can hear me but it's Steve. I know that you're not going to wake up. They have you sedated for both your safety and...well, let's just say for your safety. I don't know if you remember where you are...or even who you are. You're in Wakanda. They're trying to help you. H...the bad guys, as Sam would call them, they kidnapped you and hurt you. The people here in Wakanda are trying to reverse that. I've always tried to be honest with you, (y/n), and I don't want to start lying now. Sadly, I can't seem to say exactly what I want to."

I heard him take a deep breath, one that was staggered as if he was holding back a sob. I heard a knock against glass and Steve didn't continue speaking.

"She should be under for a while, but seeing as we can't tell just how strong the serum has made her, we're going to put these on her in the case that she can pull through the sedation if triggered," a female voice spoke aloud.

"Okay," was Steve's simple reply so I assumed she was speaking to him...but...

"'Triggered?' Me? What does that mean? Surely she wasn't speaking of me. However, I felt multiple strands of heat across my body in only a moment and I knew. She was talking about me. She said a serum. Steve said bad guys hurt me. Oh, God, please no." The thoughts and realizations were searing across my mind with lightning speed. "Hydra kidnapped me...they injected me with the serum...Steve said I'm being sedated for my own safety and...for everyone else's is what he implied but wouldn't say....I'm...I must be.... a winter soldier.


Steve watched me as I, with magnified eyes, continued to watch (y/n), who now was posing as Gwyn.

"Buck, I met Gwyn and she said she came here with a dire need to dance, but she's been waiting for the right partner. It sounds like a familiar story doesn't it? You know, Gwyn, Buck is a hell of a dancer." My eyes quickly broke their stare at her when Steve said this.

"Stevie, don't lie to her. Dancing with me is like dancing with an angel, not a devil." I felt something flourish within me, something I hadn't felt in a very long time. I turned my attention back to her with a grin intended to weaken her knees and winked at her. What the hell was wrong with me? This felt so wrong and yet so right all at the same time.

"Well, I'll leave you to it," Steve said with a grin plastered across his face before turning and walking in the opposite direction.

We stood there for a moment in awkward silence, my former confidence quickly fading with the idea of being left alone with her after everything I had put her through.

"You know, you don't have any reason to be afraid. You'll be fine, I promise. I won't let you fall."

Did she really just echo my own words to her? I had said the exact same thing to her shortly after we met when I was trying to get her to ride the Ferris wheel. So much had happened in such a short amount of time since then. It felt like an eternity ago really. I decided to react in the same way she once had to me. I eyed her in careful consideration before hesitantly agreeing. Amanda Randolph's "For Sentimental Reasons" began to play as we made our way to the dance floor.

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