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The night consisted mostly of walking around the carnival simply getting to know each other. I walked between Steve and Bucky for the majority of that time. I was able to learn about missions they had been on, more Steve and the Avengers than Bucky's, of course. Bucky had been almost all but silent except when it came to asking questions about me. Once this conversation began, Steve's voice seemed nonexistent anymore.

He walked silently, letting me focus on Bucky's questions. I told them about growing up in NC and although I mostly loved it, I felt like if I stayed there teaching, I'd never leave or live my life for me, but for what my family wanted instead. I explained that I had felt trapped and boxed in by the expectations that had been placed on me and took a leap of faith and decided to leave.

"So, how did you start working at the Farmer's Market... no offense, it just seems like a big difference," Bucky asked shyly. I think he was worried I'd be upset about the question but looked relieved when I laughed, but I was then surprised not to hear laughter on the other side of me. I looked over and noticed Steve was no longer there.

"Ahhh, how long has he been gone?"

"About 10 minutes, I think he stopped for a snack. Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt you....Is that okay?"

I shook my head, smiling.

"Oh, that's fine, I just hadn't noticed. I'm sure he can take care of himself.," I told him winking.

Bucky smiled in response, "as you were saying?"

"Oh yeh, uhh...where was I? Oh, the Farmer's Market! Yeh, that's actually just another way I pick up some extra cash. When I moved here, there was a farm called Yoder's on the outskirts of town..and I mean, it's still there, but I had been once before when visiting a friend, years ago. Anyway, the owners are this much older couple. They're so sweet and have been together since WWII. They're like your poster elderly couple. Anyways, I actually was there shopping on a slow day and they asked me what my story was. I told them pretty much everything I've told you. They actually asked me if I'd like extra crops to sell at the Farmers Market and I could keep the profits. I was fairly shocked but immediately loved the idea. Of course, I enjoy the extra cash, but it isn't just that. I love going out to the farm. By the time I get there, everything is fairly quiet. It's peaceful. It gives me time to think and just take in nature. I know that for that hour or so, I am free to think, dream, and admire the beauty around me without being interrupted. I also enjoy seeing Mr. Roger and Mrs. Betty. They're almost like my adopted grandparent figures here. I like to be able to check in on them each week to see how they are and if they need anything. They have people, obviously, who help out at the farm, but with them being on up in age, it's nice to have an extra set of eyes to look in on them. Sometimes they'll even ask me over for dinner after I finish collecting-like they literally make sure I'm taken care of, so I have to do the same in return. They're a big reason I'm experiencing small successes up here. They encourage me weekly to do better than I think I can." I looked up at the Ferris wheel in front of us and the stars that were shining bright, thanking God for the two of them. Bucky noticed but didn't quite understand my silence.

"Would you like to ride?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

He motioned towards the Ferris wheel. "The Ferris wheel, would you like to ride?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, understanding what had perspired.

"Ahhh, I'm actually afraid of heights, sooo probably not."

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now