My Eyes Adored You

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"Jake? What are you doing here?"

He smiled despite the apparent confusion and shock on my face.

"Well, you seem like the stubborn type who wouldn't take long enough to rest. I had a feeling I'd find you here."

"But why? Why are you here?" I asked nervously.

"I brought you some things you may need." He lifted a bag over the counter so I could get a better look at it. It was medical supplies. "I figured you'd need some things and I didn't know if you'd have them. I brought you some medical tape, ice packs, wrapping material, and an ankle brace. I thought about bringing crutches, but it looks like you already have some so I'm glad I didn't."

"You really didn't have to do all of this," I told him, taking the bag over the counter.

"I didn't have to, but I wanted to." I didn't know what else to say for a moment so I went with what I had been raised to say.

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome. So, how are you feeling? You look like you're not in much pain." It took everything within me not to scoff loudly and roll my eyes...or break down into tears, whichever came first. Instead, I went with a lie.

"No, I'm doing okay. It's difficult not to be when your boss practically tapes you to a stool in order to force you not to move." He laughed at this and I noticed how melodic his laugh was. He could be a tenor on Broadway if his laugh sounded that way.

"Well, it's difficult not to love your positivity." This made me smile in return, despite the constant aching in my chest with a fresh gash forming. Bucky had always said that my positivity had often brought him out of his own darkness. He had always thanked me anytime I took on an optimistic view of something he had been more pessimistic about...which was pretty much everything.

"I do what I can." Another beat of silence passed. "So can I get you something to drink or eat?

"Sure, I haven't had any lunch yet. How about you?"

"How about me what?"

"Have you eaten?"

"No, I'm not taking a break today because I get off shortly."

"Oh really? Well, would you be interested in just eating together? I don't mind waiting."

"Oh, no, that's okay. I'm not going anywhere for a while. It'll be early evening before I leave."

"That doesn't sound like you get off shortly."

"Well, I get off, but I'm hanging out here until Gayle gets off of work. I'm going to work on an assignment I have for school. I don't want you to have to wait or eat here if you'd like something else. I'm sure you have better things to do than hang around here," I tried to laugh a little bit.

"Oh, come on, I won't bite anything but the food." He smiled wily. "You'll be okay, I promise." As if I was experiencing a war flashback, I saw a Ferris wheel and recalled that Bucky had said the exact same thing before we sat down and were locked into the seat by the ride attendant. I felt nerves and anxiety flooding my nervous system. I felt Bucky's hand brush mine. I felt the cold metal of his hand in mine. He told me that the night we'd gone to the carnival and talked me into riding the Ferris Wheel. It was like I had reverted back to that time. I realized that my thoughts had drowned me out and Jake was waiting for a response. I took a deep and audible breath.

"Okay," not even completely sure of what I was agreeing to.

"Great. I don't want to keep you from your school work for too long so we can eat here if you'd like."

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now