Bright lights, Big city

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My 3:45 alarm came quickly. As soon as I sat up to get out of bed, an aching in my head hit me and almost convinced me to lay back down. I pushed myself to get up, though, dress, and carry my bags downstairs to wait for Jake. He was waiting downstairs when I got there and we headed for the airport.

"Not a morning person, huh," he asked after we were about halfway across town and I had yet to say anything.

"No, not really," I half-heartedly mumbled. Just before the vehicle came to a sudden slowing pace.

"Good thing I planned a stop before the airport then, I suppose." He pulled the vehicle into Dunkin' Donuts. He ordered my favorite and handed it to me when the time came, straw in the cup, ready to drink and all. It made me feel a little better and the caffeine assisted in dulling the ache in my head. He didn't say anything else as we made our way down the road a little further to the airport. Once we arrived and found a parking spot, he grabbed the majority of the luggage and led me into the airport and to the check-in area. After we were all checked in, we headed to the terminal where the flight was about 10 minutes from being ready to board. After waiting a few more moments, giving me time to finish my heavenly beverage, they called for our seating and we boarded. Thankfully it was a straight shot with a good pilot to JFK. We were able to see the sun rise over the city that never sleeps just before we went in for our landing, a sight of beautiful oranges and pinks I'd never be able to forget.

We landed and easily got our bags and hailed a cab to the hotel Jake had planned for us, The Lexington, from my understanding. I wasn't sure where it was off the top of my head but as we neared it, I recognized immediately where I was, where we were. We were nearing Stark Tower and immediately my stomach was in knots once again after easing on the flight. I wondered momentarily if I should have let Steve know I was in town...with my boyfriend. It may be a good idea just to give him a heads up and maybe he could tell Bucky. Maybe he could keep Bucky under watch so we wouldn't run into each other. Granted, it had been six months, Bucky had probably moved on by now. Maybe he and Nat had become close again. They fit each other better anyway. Maybe... my thoughts were halted when Jake took my hand, laced his fingers through mine, and squeezed my hand sensing my growing anxiety. He didn't know why he needed to comfort me but he had sensed I needed it. My anxiety seemed to melt slowly away and I leaned in to press a lingering kiss on his lips. When the cab pulled up to the hotel our lips were still locked. Jake pulled away so that we wouldn't annoy the driver. We grabbed our bags, checked in, and practically dashed up to check out the digs. The view of the city was absolutely stunning. We put our things down, quickly freshened up and headed out into the city.


I woke up and headed to the training room. Natasha had agreed to train with me while Steve had some pr stuff to deal with and was out of town. We trained, somehow she had seemed to know every move I was going to make. We worked up an appetite and headed up to the kitchen before I had to go back down for my treatments. She made up some eggs and sliced cheese while I focused on making biscuits and bacon. No, it wasn't the healthiest breakfast but we tended to break the eating restrictions when both Steve and Tony were out of the tower. It wasn't long before Sam turned up, of course as we were finishing up. He always tended to show up when delicious food was being cooked by someone else.

"I smelled bacon and thought I was dreaming. I should have known I wasn't since both Stark and Cap are gone."

"Want some," Nat offered. She had become much more...maternal in the past six months it seemed. I wasn't going to complain, however. Sam didn't hesitate, plopping down beside me and gobbling three bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits in record time.

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