It Takes Convincing

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Since I had Friday off and my afternoon class had been canceled, I was able to go to the farm early Friday evening. As soon as I got home, I washed up and crawled into bed.

Thanks to a good nights rest, I woke up Saturday morning feeling refreshed and ready for another day at the farmer's market. This morning was a little different than last week, other than the extra sleep. I noticed I put a little extra time and effort into my appearance. I tried to tell myself that it was just because I hadn't had an opportunity all week to look presentable with makeup and hair fixed and wearing something nice. In the back of my mind, though, I knew it was that I was hoping he'd be there today. After all, wasn't it he who pretty much asked if I'd be there again this week? He may have been trying to hide his question, but it wasn't a great job. I thought trained assassins were supposed to be good at lying.

I finished getting ready and got to the market a little early so once I had everything laid out, I sat and started to read. It wasn't often anymore that I was able to read for enjoyment, but this book "We're All Damaged" had gotten my attention after two sentences in. Matt Norman, the writer, is hilarious.

As people started pouring in, I had to put the book down because people were streaming in and busy didn't begin to cover it. By 11:30, I was almost sold out of everything and about ready to pack up until I heard a soft, yet gruff familiar voice.

"Hello, again."

I looked up and saw those perfect spring sky blue eyes looking at me under long, fluttering lashes attached to a wide grin.

I couldn't help but smile back, probably looking a little dumbfounded because simply put, damn, that's a beautiful man.

"Hi. How are you?"

"I'm good,-- uhhh...I'm sorry, I didn't get your name last week."

"(Y/n). I'm (Y/n), and you?" I asked despite that I knew the answer. It seemed more polite to ask than just assume.

"I'm Bucky. I'm well, by the way. It looks like you're about sold out of everything..." he said looking down and across the table.

Although I wasn't sure, I'm fairly certain his smile became a little dimmer when he didn't see any plums out.

"Yeh, it has been crazy today. I think it's because of the carnival, later on, more people are in town and needed something to do this morning."

"I thought I heard something about a carnival..." He looked back down at the table nervously, "No plums today, huh?"

I stared at him for a moment, even though he wasn't looking at me, and couldn't help but grin. He must have sensed this because his eyes flickered to mine.

"Well, actually..." I trailed off as I bent down and grabbed a basket from behind my table. "I saved these in case you came back today looking for some."

When I saw color run to his cheeks, I felt my own heating up as well.

"Wow. You did that? That' nice. Thank you so much. You know these plums are honestly th-" he was cut off by a man slightly shouting "Hey, Buck" as he approached.

It only took a split second for me to recognize who it was. walking towards me! Holy crap! Steve Rogers. Damnnnnnn. He is rocking that jacket too. I felt my jaw go a little slack but quickly adjusted it just before Steve Rogers stepped in front of me.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now