I knew him.

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I went back to work and classes on Monday. Sunday I used to completely recuperate. I also used it to come up with many symptoms and sick issues I supposedly had. My lies came pretty naturally, to my surprise.

The week passed quickly and uneventfully. I was pretty lonely and I found myself thinking of Bucky often. They had gotten back safely, but I hadn't heard anything other than that from anyone. I finally decided that maybe if I left them alone, allowed them to try and figure these things out to help Bucky, maybe he'd be back sooner.

After about a week of silence, I finally broke down and text Steve.

Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, I just wanted to check in on you guys. I hope you're all well and things are improving.

It took a good 36 hours, but I eventually received word back. When I got off of work Monday night, I had a missed call and a voicemail from Steve. I decided to listen first before beginning my drive home.

"Hey, (y/n), this is Steve Rogers." I love how he felt the need to explain who it was like I wouldn't know. "I got your text and just wanted to call and check in with you. I'm guessing you're working or are busy. Things are good here. I'm sorry I haven't contacted before. Things are good, but a little chaotic." You heard a loud noise in the background, what sounded like falling metal and shattering glass. "Ah, (y/n), I've got to go. Everything's good here. I'll contact soon. Bye."

The end of the message was urgent....he was attempting to be reassuring that everything was okay, but it was clear not everything was as smooth as he tried to make it seem. However, his message also seemed like a hint to let them contact me, instead of me contacting them.

I sighed deeply as I put my phone in the cup holder, put the car in drive, and headed home.

It was three more weeks before I heard from them again. It had literally taken me working doubles every day that I didn't have class, running throughout the city whenever I had downtime, and every ounce of will power within me not to call or text them at the very least. I had started to leave my phone on me at all times, whether on full volume, or where I could see the screen light up, even at work. During Thanksgiving, my family became annoyed because I only half paid attention, hoping that maybe they'd make contact then with it being a holiday, but no such luck. The only time I ignored my phone was when I went out to the farm to visit. I didn't work the Market during the winter, but I didn't want to stop visiting with Roger and Betty.

The first Wednesday of December, I got home after a shift, grabbed my mail, and headed up the six flights of stairs, completely exhausted. I wanted to curl up with some hot tea and quickly go to sleep. I threw the mail on the breakfast counter once in my apartment, undressed, and took a scalding hot shower. As I was getting out I remembered about the bills due on Friday. I drudged my way back to the living room to pull out my computer to review my bank account and the payments due. I hadn't seen my electric bill come in yet so I went to check the mail I had received that day.

"Junk, coupons, ads, more junk, the previous tenant, ugghhh how long am I gonna get these? There you are, bill!" I recited my stack of mail, but as I pulled my electric bill from the stack, another envelope caught my eye. I didn't recognize the handwriting, but it appeared masculine and the return address said, New York.

"New York!!" My eyes bulged as I ripped open the envelope as quickly as I could. I got a few paper cuts, but I couldn't care less at the time because as I pulled the piece of paper out of the envelope and opened it, I saw the signature on the bottom was from Bucky.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now