Give Me One Reason

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Once I left the apartment, I didn't look back. I couldn't. He wanted me to leave? Maybe it was time to actually listen. No, I didn't care about him almost killing me. Sure, it wasn't the highlight of our relationship, but it was the fact that maybe, just maybe he could get on better without me. Not to mention, if Tony succeeded in clearing his memories, maybe he could clear it all and Bucky would never know the difference. The brain is such a tricky and unpredictable organ. I walked for what seemed like forever. I wasn't paying attention where I was walking or where I was ending up. The next thing I knew I had ended up in what seemed like a little bit of a shady location. Then I noticed four guys, quite drunk approaching me. My body tensed, but I continued to walk. As they got closer to me, I noticed they were eyeing me interestingly. Just then I heard a familiar voice.

"Sorry I'm late, honey." Before I could react, an arm swung across my shoulders and pulled me tight.

"Just keep looking forward and walking," he whispered to me. After the men had passed and had gotten out of earshot, I finally spoke.

"Steve. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was looking for you...and now I've found you. I think it's only appropriate now that you answer me. What are you doing here?"


" And why exactly are you walking here? In this neighborhood? This isn't exactly one of the safest places in NY. Why aren't you back at the tower? You Tony ord-.....asked you to do."'

"You see how well I follow his orders, right? I'm not an Avenger. On your turf or not, I don't have to follow orders. I'm a civilian with my own free will."

"Civilian. Right. Which is why you should be at the tower, not out wandering the streets and putting yourself in dan-"

"I said 'civilian,' not 'helpless'." He attempted not to roll his eyes, but he wasn't very successful.

"So, seriously, what are you doing? Besides walking?"



"At the moment, how you're annoying me." I couldn't help but notice, however, that we had reached a safer looking part of the city. I was thankful to have company, even if he was being rather nosy.

"Can we be serious for a moment? And honest?" I couldn't help but give in to the tone in which he questioned me with finally.

"Fine. Serious. Honest. I'll give it a shot."

"How did you come to be out here walking? And how did you get out of the tower without Mauve stopping you?"

"Luck?" I didn't want to mention Bucky. I'd let them know where he was after I was gone. "I mean, Tony threatened to put me on a lockdown, but he didn't...I'm assuming. I kinda just...left..." It took me a moment, but a thought soon occurred to me. It made me stop walking and my breath to pick up as I was frightened that I already knew the answer. "The question did you know where I was?" He looked guilty but tried to hide it.

"I guess I was lucky too." He attempted to smile as he looked back towards me.

"I was honest. Now it's your turn, to be honest." My tone made him drop all jokes and lies.

The Winter Soldier is Still Here (Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier x reader)Where stories live. Discover now