Home (part two)

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-Deacon's POV-

I woke up with a jolt, I immediately started looking around only to find myself sitting in Tabby's room still.

'What the fuck, when did i fall asleep? Ugh what time is it?' I wondered groggily to myself.

The glowing blue light of her alarm clock read 5:37am.

'Shit' i thought to myself in a slight panic as I got up and moved around quietly in search of my clothes 'I can't go home right now, Gage would break every bone in my body if i went home and woke anybody up. Ugh i need to get out of this chicks room.'

Once I was fully dressed I bolted through the window, thank god i'm a wolf or I might have broken my legs the way I landed.

I made my way over to my bike and started pushing it away, I don't want to risk turning it on and having Tabby or her parents waking up.

A block later I hopped on my bike and rev it up, I decide to go somewhere I haven't visited in a long time, I wondered if i could even remember how to get there.

I made it to the park almost 25 mins later, I park my bike knowing no one will mess with it, and take off towards the trees. Once hidden I decide to let my wolf take over.

I feel my bones starting to morph in different directions, some bending backwards, some thining and becoming shorter, my muscle starts to define even more and every nerve is stretched fiercely as every one of my five senses is heighten immediately.

I am now running as my wolf, in my human form i struggled to remember the directions to get to my secret spot. But as my wolf I can remember it so vividly, I remember the first time Mom brought me to 'our spot' she was so pretty.

I was 4 and I was sad because I heard my dad telling Gage how much he loved him and that one day He (Gage) would be Alpha. Why had dad picked Gage instead of me? I was a good boy too. I ran to Momma crying telling her what had happened and then she smiled "Let me take to my favorite secret spot and then you and I will have something special the way Papa and Gage have something special." She said as she wiped away my tears and took my hand.

She then brought me to the hill and explained why Gage would be Alpha, "It isn't because your father likes him best, no son, it's because Your brother's older and that's the way tradion has been for many years." She said smiling.

She was always smiling and every time she looked at Gage and I she just beamed, she was so proud to be the mother of the Alpha's sons. But when she looked at dad forget it, no one in the room mattered, he was her true mate and she was his, her eyes would light up and her smile changed. My father, ever the hard ass (Just like Gage) would also change amongst seeing his mate. He would get the same look and his whole demeanor would soften.

'maybe I would care more about life if I had a mate, something that was mine that no one could take away from me.'

I had long made it to the clearing that Mom deemed 'Our Spot' I got carried away with my thoughts and hadn't been paying attention.

So of course I hadn't noticed that there was someone in the clearing.

Every sense should have picked up on her being here a long time ago, sight should have been the last one.

I should have heard her walking around or the click of her camera around her neck, or smelled her scent, as I thought about her scent I inhaled.

Her scent was heaven itself, she smelled like freshly bloomed roses and morning dew. God I could smell her for hours.

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