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-Deacon's POV-

The morning after the ball all any of us wanted to do was relax, but Gage and I went to the Hospital to make sure we were still allowed to hand out candy tonight to the kids here.

And now that the Masquerade ball was out of the way, that left my beautiful little mate tied up in the planning of my sister in laws upcoming baby shower.

"Alpha, Beta" Dr Brewsker said.

"Hello Henry, How're Marge and the boys?" Gage asked him.

"Marge is busy as ever at the clinic, we have a small pack 'baby boom' on our hands." Dr. Brewsker said smiling. "The boys are good, Danny's still in school up in North Carolina & Nathan...well it's always your youngest that rebels." He said shaking his head but still smiling with pride for his sons.

"Deacon and I were just coming over to see if you all were still allowing us to give the kids candy." Gage smiled.

Gage and Maddy have always loved kids, they are their weakness.

"Of course, yes, it's a really great idea you suggested...it's all the children have been able to talk about for the past week."

Gage smiled and filled him in "Oh i can't take the credit Henry, Deacon's mate suggested the idea."

"Well son, sounds like she's a born Luna."

I beamed proudly, "Yes Sir she is."

He showed us the lay out of the Children's wing of the hospital. Since some of the children were too sick to get out of their beds, we would be walking around and delivering to each child.

It was a sad and scary sight, these poor sick kids. Some were just babies. Their reason for being in the hospital varied, some had surgery, other we badly abused, but most were heartbreakingly cancer patients.

I don't know how Bell did it, i wanted to just hold the kids and cry, cry until my tear washed away their sickness and hurt.

"So arrive around 6pm, so that the kids will have had their dinner and then it's lights out for the kiddos around 8:30pm visiting hours are over at 9. I may be the Director of Medicine but Hospital regulations can not be foiled with." He said with a polite nod.

We bid him Good Bye then we left, the same group of kids who were learning how to say 'trick or treat' were now making paper pumpkins for tonight.

From what Dr Brewster told us, we could only go into the rooms with the paper pumpkins, those that didn't have them were either too young or too sick.

"I'm really proud of you guys" Gage said once we got into the car.

"How so?" I asked.

"By just giving out candy tonight, by showing that little kindness, you've given those children something to smile about." He said with a genuine smile of his own.

"Thanks Bro, i'm glad Bell mentioned it."

We got home close to two. Arabella was still gone and i was bored.

I hopped on my bike and went for a ride. I didn't have any place in mind, i was just driving, enjoying the fall weather.

Fall was my new favorite month. It reminded me of Arabella. Well, the leaves reminded me of her hair really.

As my train of thought finished i was passing an apartment complex.

'This is new' I thought to myself.

I Pulled into the parking lot and smelled werewolves. I pulled out my phone.


"What's up Bro?" He answered.

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