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-Deacon's POV-

After leaving my Beauty and our friends I head over to talk with the orchestra director about final details for the date then take off to several different stores to pick up last minute things for our date.

When I finally get home from my trip to the store, and just as I get the last of the bags into the house my Beauty surprised me by actually calling me.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello." She says, making my heart race.

"Well it's good to hear your voice beauty, I was just starting to miss you. Did you like your flowers?"

"Oh My Gosh I LOVED them, no one's ever given me roses before. And how did you know which rose was my favorite?" She wondered, with excitement in every note of her voice.

I chuckle. "Well i'm glad you liked them and lets just say a little Birdie told me."

"Well who ever it was tell them I said Thank you for being such an amazing informant."

"I will pass along the message, also when they start to die or when you get tired of looking at them just let me know and i'll have them removed."

She gasped. "Oh I could never get tired of gazing at the flowers plus they smell amazing by the way, but I will totally keep that in mind for when they die. Thank you again."

"Oh my Beauty you're welcome and you don't have to thank me, you deserve to be given roses and anything else you want for that matter."

"So what time should I be ready for our date tomorrow?" she asked.

"Oh good question, how about 5:30 and you can dress kind of casually." I fill her in.

"Alright, well I should go, Dinners ready," she finished, her words sounding kind of sad.

"What's wrong my Beauty?"

"Promise you won't think i'm weird or desperate?" She sounded

"Arabella I could never think of you as those things." I responded honestly.

"Well I know we're still getting to know each other, but...well I kind of feel like this strange...pull to you. And for some reason every time I have to tell you bye I almost want to cry." she explained.

Her answer stunned me

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to-" she started panicking at my silence.

"No, no, that's a good thing, that's normal for us. Also don't ever take back what you honestly feel, or feel the need to hide something from me. You can tell me anything. " I said trying to explain and comfort her.

"Alright Deacon, well i'll talk to you later then. Bye."

"Bye Beauty." I said hanging up before I stayed on the line longer possibly getting her into trouble.

Damn Bell is feeling her Mates connection to me already and she hasn't even changed yet, I have to tell Gage.

_ _ _***_ _ _

After telling Gage about Bell's pull toward me last night, he suggested I don't get too concerned about it.

He informed me that some wolves, the older their blood-lines are the stronger there wolves. Making their senses and connections with their wolf a little stronger than newer blood lines.

It would explain a lot, like the way she ate her food like she was tasting every ingredient in it, or when she inhaled my scent and even when her heart started racing when she felt me approaching her, it was her wolf's want and need to be with me, that set her heart in over drive.

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