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I finally got home around 2am, it had been such an eventful day to say the least.

I walked into my room with Deacon and we immediately jump into bed.

"So Tiff still thinks she's having a party?" He asked

"Yes, Tiff has always hated being the center of attention all her life, but the caterers called me earlier to verify for the dinner tonight." I said.

Tiff hated her birthday, just like I had told Deacon, she hates having the spot light on her, she isn't used to standing out, she's gone her whole life trying to blend in. Aunt B and I thought we'd terrify her and make her think we were having this huge over the top Production of a party.

Mean, I know, but it's so something Tiff would do to one of us. In all reality we're having a nice catered family dinner. We've only invite Logan and his parents, who Tiff has already met, and Gage & Maddy since they're practically family now.

I smiled at that last thought.

"What's bringing such a beautiful smile to those perfect lips?" Deacon asked rolling over to his side and pecking my left cheek where my dimple is.

"Just thinking of how happy it makes me, considering Gage & Maddy as my family." I blushed at my admission.

He wrapped his arms around me and turned me from my back to my side so that I was now facing him.

"Arabella My Beauty, that makes me happy to hear, and hopefully one day soon they will be your official family." Deacon said, not really thinking about the words he said.

"Deacon... did you just refer to marriage?" I asked super serious.

I Love Deacon with all my heart and I know that one day I will marry him, this much I know. But after what happened today, I can't help but think he would rush into a marriage just to give me a baby.

I could hear in his mind that he was playing his words over.

Fear, panic, anxiety, and confusion hit me all at once from Deacon's emotional wave. He was worrying what my reaction would be if he admitted he had just brought up marriage.

"Um, well-" He started but I cut him off.

"Deacon my Love, I thought we had a five year plan...I want to marry you and have a house, and help you run the pack,and have babies galore...but this afternoon, we talked about how we would Graduate High school and go to college, start careers, get married, get our first place, then when the five years are up we would try for kids."

He sighed, "Its just that I love you so much and I already know I want to spend the rest of our lives together so why wait?" He asked a bit frustrated.

"I just know that I want to enjoy being with you, I want to enjoy being teenage Bell- Deacon's girlfriend. Not Teenager trying to play grown up-Deacon's wife. Let's just have fun being with each other. Yes I want to marry you, so don't you dare think I don't! Just with time. We're still learning things about each other."

"You're right," He said, submitting to my declaration.

Then his phone vibrated and he answered it.

"What's wrong?" Deacon asked into the phone.

His eyes grew wide and he growled.

"I'm on my way!" He barked and hung up.

Within seconds he was sitting up and putting his shoes back on.

"Deacon?" i asked softly, sensing the fear and anger in him.

"It's the Paycos Pack, they took Maddy!" Deacon said angry.

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