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"Shouldn't you have been with Tabby?" I practically yelled.

Of course it pained me to say these things to him, but my jealousy and anger was stronger than my sadness right now, this of course was due to the fact that Deacon possibly got another girl pregnant...the thought had been festering in my conscious all day, eating away at me, and now I was finally confronting it head on.

I know my words had hurt him and i regretted saying them the moment they left my mouth. I can't understand why i'm so jealous of Tabby or why i can't just be with him.

I listened on as he responded, his words told me he was hurting.

I had to remain in control otherwise i would lose it and become a wreck.

"Well it is happening so now we have to decide what we need to do about it." I said, my anger rising.

"I'll do whatever you want to do Bell, i love you, have loved you, and will always love you no matter what happens." He almost cried.

I saw how pained he was by this, every worry and fear etched clearly on his face. His handsome brown eyes moist with threatening tears.

That was it, my own tears started to fall, and it took everything in me not to run to him right now.

I continued, "I'll be changing on Sunday, so i want to focus on trying to find my mate, Deacon you will always be my first Love and for that i am grateful but i am just not strong enough to go through this with you."

Deacon was pissed, everything about him told me so, his shaking body, clenched fists, and lastly his soft warm brown eyes had turned cold, hard, and black.

"And what if i WAS your mate, then what Bell?" He asked now yelling at me.

I couldn't help but flinch, I knew he was mad, and now he was also mad at me so I shuddered a bit but answered his question. "Then things would be different, I would fight for you, nothing could tear us apart, I would rather die of loneliness than to break up with you, but the fact of the matter is your not so this is a moot point." I said, tears just steady flowing now.

"If this is a 'moot point' as you say, then why are you crying?" He questioned me angrily. "Don't waste your tears on somebody who is just a nothing to you!" Deacon yelled at me, sending all his hatred from the situation between Tabby and him and our now non-existent relationship to me.

His words hit me like whiplash and i couldn't do anything but stand there gawking at him. What had I done, I wanted to take it all back, 'No No Deacon, I love you and I want to be with you and I will stand by you no matter what life throws at us.' Is what I said in my head, but no sound came out of my mouth.

Even in his anger, he gracefully got onto his bike, put on his helmet, lifted the mask and said, "I hope you find your mate Arabella, and I hope you do fight for him once you find him, this won't affect Tiff and Logan they are mates I can tell. Good Bye Bell, hopefully i'll see you around sometime."

Then he rode off, leaving me alone in the dark with nothing but my emotions and my thoughts.

I got into my car, put the keys into the ignition, but before I could pull away I lost it. I screamed and cried, I wanted to throw something or hit something, but there was nothing to throw or hit.

I drove home crying, I made it up to my room without running into anybody, I closed my door and silently lost it.

I tore down the black and white photos i had framed of his wolf that morning, I opened my window and grabbed as many vases as my arms would carry and i threw them out onto the front lawn and some got as far as the sidewalk near the mailbox. I threw the rest of them and then the pictures. I picked up my phone, deleted every text, picture, and phone call we ever had, then lastly I deleted his contact info.

I grabbed my iPod and head phones then headed to the bathroom, I needed a hot bath and music to help me get through this night.

_ _ _***_ _ _

-Tiffs POV-

I was already laying in bed for the night, talking to Logan about my day with Bell.

"I missed you today." He sounded sweetly.

I got up from my bed and opened my room window and sat on the window seat taking in the night sky and the cool air.

"Aww really?" I asked

"Of course, i missed seeing your smile, and holding your hand, and stealing your kisses without your permission." he said.

I smiled, i missed those things too and couldn't wait to see him tomorrow at school.

"Aww, i missed those things too, and you don't ever need my permission to take a kiss from me." I admitted with a small giggle.

"So, How about you go on a date with me Friday night?" he asked smoothly.

"What, like a real date?" I asked all smiles.

"Yes a real date."

"Of course i will go on a date with you." I answered back giddily.

We started talking about other things and i got completely lost in the conversation. Then next thing i know i hear this huge sound of glass shattering.

"Holy Hell, what was that, Tiff are you alright?" Logan asked completely worried,

"Yeah i'm alright." I looked around for the source of the sound and sighed heavily when i found were it came from.

"Logan, it's Bell" I said exasperated. "She's throwing out all of her flowers and a few pictures, i'm guessing things didn't go too well at the park."

"Damn, well it's almost 1, there's no way my Mom's letting me out of the house right now." Logan sighed then continued talking more to himself than me. "So i'll have to try and call Deacon and check on him tomorrow. You go check on Bell I'll see you tomorrow at school ok."

"Ok" I answered

"Good Night." He said, again causing me to smile a huge smile.

"Good Night." I said and hung up.

I sat there for a while and waited until Bell got all her thrashing out, I love my cousin but there was no way i was getting within the hitting zone while she was seeing red.

20 minutes later i went to her door to check on her, i opened the door and and walked into her room.

Her once warm pink and cream room was now cold and white, it felt so empty. Her walls were bare with the exception of her wrought iron wall clock, the only picture she had up was one on her desk, it was a family portrait that Aunt Helena made them take.

I could hear her soft singing so i knew she was trying to relax and not think about what happened today and now tonight. I walked out of her room and decided to save her pictures because i know they would end up together in the end, and i know she would feel bad if the pictures got ruined.

I went outside, collected the pictures and looked around the yard,

"A perfect symbol of their relationship now" I said low to myself, "Shattered."

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