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I've never been more excited or more nervous to be going back to school.

Saturday was so perfect, It still feels like a dream, then again, maybe it was all just a very realistic dream. The the fact that it was a first encounter with my crush made it more special.

Something deep down keeps telling me that we belong together and he acted like he was into me too. Then Sunday came all too quickly and unfortunately I didn't hear one word from him.

"Oh girl please tell me your not still worrying." Tiff said smoothly while she laid her head on my shoulder to reassure me.

"Well what would you do, and don't give me that 'everything will work it's self out bullshit', my head hurts from hearing you say it all last night." I bit back at her, shrugging her off my shoulder. I instantly felt bad for snapping at Tiff, it wasn't her fault Deacon didn't try and contact me yesterday.

"Sorry Tiff, i'm just-" I let out a frustrated sigh. "I don't know, it's just that I really like him. And for a minute there I thought he liked me too...I guess I was wrong."

"Well Bell, I think you should stop worrying, wipe that damn frown off your face, and quit counting the man out already. So he didn't call you yesterday...He's the Beta, he does have some actual responsibilities." She bit back at me, "Maybe he had some pack stuff he had to help his brother with, I overheard Daddy on the phone the other day talking about a pack ceremony" she finished a little softer, with a smile playing on her lip, "plus...did you even give him your number?"

I blushed, I hadn't...I had no one to blame. It myself for him not calling or texting. "You're right, maybe he was just busy, UGH, I can't stand all this mopey lovestruck teenage RomCom Cliche-ness." I said lightly pushing my almost finished coffee away and folding my arm onto the kitchen island, I let my head fall in defeat and mumble "I guess we should get ready for school."

When we get to school, I was doing anything and everything to blend in. It's funny, I never had to work to blend in before. I made it to my locker with no sight of Deacon, In my mind my subconscious was relieved, but my heart ached. 'When will these feelings end.' I asked to myself.

I see Tiff coming and notice Logan's right there with her, his right arm casually laying over her shoulders and a huge Cheshire like smile slapped across his face.

'OH Crap Oh Crap, please don't let Deacon be around' I worry amongst myself in a panic.

"Hey there Tinkerbell." Logan says and Tiff giggles

"Har Har Har, Hey Logan" I said moodily.

He does this weird neck jerk motion and eyes me suspiciously.

"You alright girl, you look like someone just ran over your dog?"

"I'm ok" I lied shooting Tiff a little smile since she obviously hadn't told Logan I was obsessing over Deacon. "Just having an off day."

He smiled "Well here comes something that'll cheer you up." he said nodding his head behind me

My heart started beating over time, 'What the hell? am i getting sick' I blow off the thought. Then I hear his voice.

Deacon came over to my locker and stood next to Logan.

"What up bro?" he asked Logan.

God his voice is so sexy, the boys start talking about something I couldn't even begin to comprehend then I hear the word 'exhaust' and figure their talking auto-motives, I look at Tiff and she is just beaming with happiness and watching the boys talk.

"Good Morning Tiff, you are looking, uh, happy" he acknowledged.

"Morning Deacon" she says "And thank you I am absolutely over the moon."

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