The Lake

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-Deacon's POV-

I can't think, I can't breath...I hope I'm blinking because that would look weird as hell if I wasn't.

My knees are threatening to buckle and let my body fall to the ground at any given minute, and It's taking everything inside of me to remain composed on the outside. When all I truly want to do is go over and lift her into my arms, tell her she's my mate, and kiss her perfect lips.

God my memory of her this morning didn't do her any justice.

Her enchanting green eyes just now were alive and full of happiness, so much so that it caused them to sparkle. Her lips are still perfection, when her eyes lock onto mine she's smiling at a thought she must have been having, but that smile claimed my heart. Then out of nowhere she suddenly puts her head down as if ashamed to be near me, or is she intimidated by me?

My wolf whines 'Don't fear us beautiful Mate.'

"D-Do you need help?" She asked in an almost unsure whisper.

Her voice took me by surprise, almost if by speaking she clarified that I wasn't dreaming. I raised an eyebrow and mentally thought to myself 'I hope she doesn't leave, I would follow her were ever she decided to go until she cast me away.'

A slight breeze blows and her skirt catches in the wind, then I notice she's in a bikini top, and what I thought was a skirt is really one of those swimming cover-up things that mature or classy women wear. I also notice she isn't wearing anything on her feet.

I smile a little more thinking to myself 'i'm glad that she respects herself and covers up, not that she needs it i'm sure her body is impeccable. Shit, I hope she doesn't think i'm checking her out, I would never disrespect her like that'

And as if she can read my mind a smattering of pink shades her cheeks. This only gives her this lovely look of innocence and shyness.

My heart races even more now.

I want so badly to walk over to her and grab her face, making her show me her eyes. I want to rub my thumb over her cheeks to erase the pink that's covered them. I want to tell her she's my mate so we can start living our lives happily with only each other. I want her to sleep in my bed and fall asleep in my arms. I want to protect her from everything. I want to reassure her every chance i get that she is beautiful and she is loved, I want to listen to everything she has to say. I want to be her best friend and lover.

Most of all...i just want to make her MINE.

But I know the rules.

Damn rules, I think them over quickly "Once a pack member goes through the first shift into Lycanthrope, he/she will find thier one True Mate. If their mate is also fully phased then they may begin their life together a new, But if their mate has not gone through the change then one must patiently wait for as long as it takes their mate to phase. One must not tell their mate for it is each person's duty to find out who their own mates truly are."

I just have to touch her, to calm my wolf down.

'That's it, one touch to calm my wolf and reassure myself once again that i'm not dreaming.'

Luckily i'm quick on my feet when it comes to hatching a plan, and remember what Maddy said "Be your usual charming self, be sweet and kind, and don't be afraid to be a little forward, but not too forward. Because even if she hasn't phased yet there's something inside her that wants you, she might think of it as a crush, but it's her wolf crying for it's mate, only the voice might be too small for her to fully hear yet."

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