Check Up & Check Out (part one)

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It's been a few days since we all had our amazing outing at the lake.

Aunt B was letting Tiff and I ditch school today since we had our birth control appointments. Tiff was sulking around when i called and reminded Deacon, I wanted to make sure he didn't waste his time trying to pick me up.

"Alright Beauty, you know school holds no interest for me when you aren't there, what am i suppose to do all day?" Deacon asked playfully.

"I don't know love, but i'd hope you learn something while your at school." I said laughing and teasing him.

"Yeah yeah, just wait til i have you all to myself, i may just spank that delectable ass of yours for your insults." He said in his velvety bed room voice.

The sound of his voice make me tingle all over. I quivered. But snapped back quickly. "Oh really...i just might like that."

"Watch it Arabella, don't push my limits, i may have to skip school just to be with you."

"No, go to school love, i'll see you as soon as you get out. I love you." I said.

"I love you too beauty." He said ending our conversation and hanging up.

We piled in Aunt B's Range Rover and headed over to see Dr Brewsker. Since i'm a werewolf and Tiff is soon to be, we couldn't just go to a human doctor and get on regular birth control. Our high blood temperature would burn the birth control before it had any effect.

So we had to go to our pack doctor, Dr Brewsker. She was a member of the Avee Pack along with her Husband who was also a Doctor. We walked in and i saw Maddy sitting there against the far wall.

"Good morning Ladies." Maddy said to the three of us.

"Luna" we all replied, Maddy winked at me, then gestured for all of us to sit next to her. We talked for a while and Aunt B filled out our insurance papers and a medical history papers, she was handing me the papers when the front door opened and in walked Tabby.

Maddy grabbed my hand and let out a very low growl. I could feel distrust, betrayal, and anger spilling from her.

Then before I could say anything a nurse called Maddy into the back.

"No, please see one of the girls first, i'm waiting on my husband." She said.

"Alright Luna," She said with a gentle smile. She grabbed a different set of files "Miss VonKemp please come with me."

I got up hugged Maddy then went into the back.

"Alright Miss VonKemp, So you're here today." she opened my file and flipped through some pages "Ah, yes, for birth control. Alright, if you'll follow me right over here I will take your height and weight, then Your blood pressure, and lastly i will need you to give me a urine sample for a urine analysis before we go any further." She said smiling and motioning toward a room off to the right.

I started to feel a bit nervous,

"Step on the scale Please Miss VonKemp" she instructed sweetly, she did my height and blood pressure before asking me to go into the restroom and pee in the cup.

Once i was in the exam room she started asking me questions. "When was your last menstrual cycle?"

"Um if i'm not mistaken it was last month around the 13th, but i've never been very regular."

She nodded and wrote things on the paper.

"Are you sexually active?"She asked

"Yes, But i have a boyfriend." I said blushing, i didn't want her to think i slept around.

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