Twenty Three||Candies and Notebooks

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hi im sorry for the delay (again) I didn't feel inspired and neither did I have internet but who cares about excuses I hope you enjoy the chapter (even though it's rly rly shit and is more of a filler than anything)

Pls vote and comment it just might motivate me who knows

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Candies & Notebooks

♔ L u c y ♔

"Lucy, get up! We're going to target." Megan's voice wakes me up from my peaceful slumber.

"Why?" I grumble, digging myself further into the comforter.

"Back to school shopping. Come on!" She whips the comforter away and I hiss at her.

"Wow, that was...something." Comes a deeper voice. I peek through one eye to see Nathan.

"I don't wanna go. Just get me some notebooks."

"Lucy. You and I both know you're going to whine about my choices later on." Megan chastises.

"Can't we go later?"

"Lu, it's the afternoon! Plus we have a hair appointment at 3:30."

"Ugh!" I groan and hoist myself up. I lethargically get ready, making a half-assed attempt at looking presentable. Going downstairs, I am blessed enough to come face to face-sandwich with a making out couple.

"Wow, just my luck." I grumble, looking away. Megan clears her throat, and I follow the two out the two door.

I'm made to sit at the back, where I decide to take a little nap. When I wake up, Matt is beside me.

"You're just full of surprises, aren't you, Meg?" I grimace.

"I invited him since we were supposed to hang out today and I forgot." Nathan explains.

"Since when do you hate me, Lucy?" Matt feigns hurt and I mock him, contorting my face and moving my mouth exaggeratedly.

"I don't hate you. I actually like you quite a bit. I'm just really sleepy and really hungry." I state, forthright, surprising myself and the others in the car.

Did I really just say that?

"Oh, uh, I-I like you quite a bit, too?" Matt says in confusion.

I smile sarcastically at him, going back to sleep.

"Makes you wonder if they actually aren't a couple yet."


"Megan, you don't even take notes. Literally, every year you photocopy the notes of the smartest kid in class. Why do you need that many notebooks? Honestly, this is such a waste." I reprimand her.

The four of us had a quick lunch consisting of fried chicken and are now at target. Nathan, Matt and I have already picked out our stuff. Megan, on the other hand, isn't even halfway done.

"But they're all so pretty, Lucy!"

"Pretty things are not for wasting. Think of the trees. Poor, sad little trees. Who gave their life for these things to be made. For people to write in. Not for fulfilling ones aesthetic needs."

Matt snickers at that, and I blush a little.

"Where's Nathan?" I question.

"Candy isle." Matt replies, shooting me a warm look.

Be still, my heart.

"You know what, Megan, do what you want. Contribute to global warming. Im going to buy myself candy." And with that, I take Matt's hand and leave.

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