The Littlest Shelby

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Warnings: Swearing

Harry smiled as he watched you playing among the tables and chairs, he had to admit you were his favourite Shelby. It hadn't been long since your sixth birthday and you were still just as sweet as ever, smiling kindly when three strangers wondered into the pub.

"You need to leave." One of the men said to Harry as he pulled out a gun and forced him to the door. "Leave the Lil' Shelby."

"(Y/N) hide!" Harry yelled as he threw a chair at the men and distracted them while you scrambled to hide in Arthur's office.

The gun shot had you letting out a small whimper and you found one of Arthur's old jackets rumpled under the desk which you snuggled up to and closed your eyes. The heavy sounds of boots on polished wood clomped through the pub until the stopped in front of the desk.

"Funkin' hell, Harry!" John called out as the boys headed to the pub and found their friend stumbling up the road to the Shelby INC offices.

"(Y/N)." He gasped and the boys helped him inside so they could look at the wound on his shoulder.

"Where is she?" Tommy asked when he glanced out into the street and saw Finn with Isaiah but the absence of you tugging at your brother's hand.

"Men... they came into the pub, I told her to hide but I couldn't do much more... if I'd gone back in you wouldn't have found out." Harry gasped as the adrenaline pulsed through him.

"You did the right thing Harry; we'll get her out of there." Polly said as she knelt next to him and shooed the Shelby's away.

Their attention was drawn out to the street where Michael was trying to pull Finn off someone, the usually calm Blinder furiously pounded on his victim. When they hurried outside it took four of them to yank him off.

"He's fuckin' got (Y/N)!" Finn bellowed and tried to climb his way out of Arthur and Isaiah's grip.

That was all they needed to her before Arthur had the weary man pushed against the wall and John pinned his arms out of his way while Tommy spoke with him. It took the boys all of three minutes to get everything they needed out of the man, Tommy sent Finn and Isaiah round the front of the pub while he and Arthur hurried round the back, John was to wait by the doors in case anything went wrong and they needed a surprise attacker.

Your head was beginning to ache with the odd angle having the gun pointed in your face was making. You weren't sure what was going on but you knew for Finn to look ready to burst it must be bad.

"Just let 'er go." Finn huffed keeping the attention on him and Isaiah as Tommy and Arthur crept up on the two men left.

"Nah... I'm good kid." The man holding onto you said.

"You hurting my head!" You complained and tried to shuffle your aching feet.

"This kid just doesn't shut up." The other man said.

"Well maybe you should give 'er back and she won't be a bother anymore." Tommy said as he cocked his gun, both men freezing. "Now let 'er go."

The grip on you loosened and you hurtled into Finn who caught you as you collided with him and let you wrap your little legs around him and burry your face in his shoulder. You still didn't really understand what was going on when John ducked into the pub, ruffling your hair and dumping his hat on your head, gunshots filling the air as you were carried back home.

"Where's she?" Tommy asked as he hurried into the house, seeing you playing marbles with Finn who was lay on his stomach with you sat on his shoulders.

"Hey!" You objected when Tommy pulled you into a hug. You were passed brother to brother until you'd been plopped back onto Finn's shoulders where you kicked his marbles and claimed he'd been cheating.

All three of your oldest brothers joined you on the floor, laughing and singing, accepting drinks from Poll as they helped you beat Finn.

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