A Fight At The Wedding

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Warnings: Fight Between Finn And Michael Over Reader, Swearing

"Who's she?" Michael asked as he came to stand next to Finn and handed him a beer.

"(Y/N), Finn's had his eye on her since we were kids." Isaiah said as he nodded appreciatively when Michael handed him his own drink.

"You gonna go talk to her?" Michael asked Finn who was still staring at you.

"No, she won't wanna talk with me." Finn grunted.

The three boys watched as you laughed and danced with your friends. It wasn't uncommon for you to be at a Shelby event, your family lived down the street from the Shelby's so you'd always been around but, not once had Finn ever had the guts to talk to you.

Even when you were being picked on and Finn, followed by Arthur and John, had helped you out he hadn't said anything. Nodding when you thanked him and hurried home.

"Well, if you're gonna stare at her all night I'll go talk to her." Michael said as he set his empty glass on the floor and made his way through the people to talk to you.

Finn frowned as he watched Michael catch your attention and begin talking with you, slowly leading you over to the dance floor. Before Michael's hand could finish travelling down your back to your lower waist Finn had shrugged Isaiah off him, barged between Tommy and Poll so he could grip Michael's collar and shove him away from the crowd.

The crowd parted as the boys rolled across the floor, throwing punches and yelling, only breaking apart when Tommy and Arthur pulled them off each other.

"What the fuck were you playing at!" Tommy yelled at his brother as he paced back and forth.

"He was asking for it." Finn huffed defensively as he nursed the bruise on his cheek.

"You know better than to start a fucking fight like that." Tommy sighed, the thought of the many people seeing the Shelby family crumble flashed in front of his eyes.

Finn shot up from his seat and stormed out of the house, leaving his brothers to stare after him and wonder what could have him having such an unexpected outburst. He'd wondered down to the docks, steering clear of Charlie Strong's so his brothers wouldn't be able to find him.

"Finn?" His head snapped up and he saw you looking at him curiously. "Everyone's looking for you." You mumbled when he didn't answer.

"I don't care." He bit back.

"Are they still mad about your fight with Michael?" You asked as you decided to sit on the docks next to him.

He nodded and went quiet again. The two of you sat together in awkward silence, both of you knowing that the spot you were sat in was Ada's old hiding spot so until you revealed yourselves you wouldn't be found.

"Why'd you hit him anyway?" You asked, breaking the silence.

"Dunno." He shrugged, not wanting to tell you the real reason.

"Well I think you would'a won if Tommy and Arthur hadn't stopped you." You giggled.

"Yeah?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yup, the girls at the factory say he came from a little town so it's no wonder he can't fight." You smiled when he straightened up and look satisfied with himself.

The two of you sat together until it got dark, Finn walked you home, hurrying past the Garrison with his hand in yours when John spotted you. He laughed all the way to your front door, stopping to catch his breath as he smiled at you.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence as he watched you open your front door before gripping your hips and spinning you round, pressing a quick hard kiss to your lips, taking a few steps back and turning to head to the Garrison.

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