I Don't Like You (Part Two)

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"Michael I need you to do me a favour." Tommy sighed out. "I need you to take (Y/N) back to your old home."

"Why?" Michael asked quickly.

"Because I need you to recruit more men and I'm hoping we can get some from there, also you're the only one she'll listen to." Tommy chuckled when Michael let out a short laugh.

"That girl hasn't listened to anyone in her life." Michael muttered but he agreed just the same and headed home to get packed.

"This place looks real boring." You muttered to Michael who sighed.

"It is but Tommy wanted us down here so we're staying for a bit." Michael took your bags and carried them off the small train platform, leading you through the town centre and rolling his eyes when you peaked curiously into the little white well that was still standing.

When you arrived at Michael's old house a burly woman greeted you, hugging onto Michael and you had to hold back a snicker as she told you about what he was like before he moved away.

"Never guessed you would be so soft, I assumed you'd always been disagreeable." You giggled quietly.

Most of your day was spent settling in and meeting people. It didn't take long to see why Michael had been so willing to leave, eventually it got late and his foster mother asked you to help with dinner.

"Wait where are you going?" You asked Michael who was shrugging on his coat.

"Pub." He said quickly and tried to get out the door before you could stop him.

"Well then wait for me!" You grumbled as you grabbed your shoes and attempted to hop after him while putting them on.

"(Y/N) you can't... the girls here are... um." He winced when you through your shoe down and glared at him.

"Soft?" You asked and he nodded. "So they can't hold their liquor."

"No one can hold their liqueur like you, not even Arthur." He chuckled. "For today at least will you just stay put, please I'll make it up to you when we get back to Birmingham."

"Fine but this isn't finished." You glared at him as he shuffled out of the room and let his foster mother pull you into the kitchen.

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