Never good

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"She wants to talk to me." Michael muttered to Isaiah as the walked to the bar. Isaiah winced and let out a playful laugh as Michael took his seat at the bar.

"That's never good." He grumbled, gesturing across the bar to a girl that had dumped him recently.

"She didn't tell me what it was about but whatever it is has gotten her upset." Michael downed his drink. He and Isaiah spent a few hours drinking before heading back to their homes. When he slumped down in the kitchen he could see the dim light of the fire in the bedroom creeping under the door.

Once he'd kicked off his shoes and tossed his coat over the back of the chair he strolled to the bedroom, stoking the fire a little. When he glanced at you he sighed. You'd curled up at the edge of the bed, as far from him as possible.

With a sigh he got ready for bed, not wanting to wake you and have the conversation he was dreading. He started to doze of but couldn't get to sleep, early in the morning a banging convinces him to get up before you were woken.

"We need you, soon as possible, the usual place." Finn muttered to Michael who nodded, thanking him for the message and started to get ready to leave.

"Michael?" You said softly from the doorway.

He glanced at you and sighed. "I can't talk right now (Y/N)." He insisted, looking hurt which seemed to make you even more nervous.

"Michael I need to tell you something important!" You insisted but he sighed and shrugged you off.

"Not now." He sighed as he grabbed for his coat and hat.

"Michael, I'm pregnant." You called as he shut the door. He hesitated but decided to rush to the meeting instead.


"Michael will you focus." Arthur joked as the family gathered in their meeting place. Polly watched Michael shuffle and nod, almost immediately losing his focus in the room.

The meeting dragged on until Tommy confronted Michael about why he wasn't paying attention as everyone left slowly. "You need to be focused, what's going on?" He asked, frowning when Michael sighed.

"(Y/N) said she's pregnant." Michael muttered and Polly clapped her hands a little, excited by the news. "But she's been distant."

"Michael, I'm sure it's nothing. She's just nervous." Polly gushed as he looked a little worried. She insisted that she walk home with him so she could talk to you.

"(Y/N)?" He called as he opened the door. Polly rushed to start a kettle while Michael searched the house for you, returning with a letter. "She's gone."

"What do you mean?" Polly asked as she hurried over to him.

"She's not staying. She doesn't think they'll be safe here. She's asked me to just let them go." His voice weakened as he spoke and eventually cracked into a sob as Polly embarrassed him and tried her best to comfort him and hide her shock.

Michael Gray ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now