Just a Crush

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Michael glanced up from the papers he'd been filling out. If Isaiah hadn't come through the door there and then, he might have sent out a search party for him. They'd arranged to meet up yesterday and Isaiah was rarely, if ever, late.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." Isaiah said as he took a seat. He glanced at the papers Michael had nearly filled out and drummed his fingers on the edge of Michael's desk.

"You ok? I was about to go look for you." Michael confessed. Isaiah smiled gratefully and nodded.

"Yeah, a bit of a weird day. My sister came back and my father wanted my help to get her settled."

"You have a sister?"

"(Y/N). She ran away a few years ago. Not long after the war. Tommy tried to help us find her but we couldn't. My father didn't think she would ever come back."

"She staying?"

"It looks like it. She has her own place not far from us. I hope she stays." Isaiah was thoughtfully quiet after that. Michael had been planning to invite Isaiah out on the town but looking at Isaiah's face he decided something else would be in order.

"Let's go get something to eat. We can invite your sister if you'd like?" Michael offered. Isaiah smiled, nodding as he agreed and stood from his chair with a slight bound in his step.

"I'll be able to show her the car! She doesn't believe that Tommy gave me a car." He grinned and motioned for Michael to hurry up as the two of them left the office and headed down into the street.


There was a soft knock on Michael's door. Looking up he was surprised to see you in the doorway. "(Y/N)?" He hadn't seen you since he and Isaiah had taken you out for the meal a few weeks ago. Isaiah had taken some time away from the business to spend time with you.

"I'm sorry, am I intruding?" You asked quickly.

"No! Not at all. I was just surprised. Sorry. Can I help you?" He hoped you wouldn't tell how nervous he was. He'd liked you from the minute he'd set eyes on you. The longer the night went on, the more he felt the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.

"I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch?" You asked quickly. Then looked a little flustered as you smiled. "Ada helped me get a new job. I wanted to celebrate but Finn needed Isaiah for something. I figured I'd ask you."

"Oh of course! It's on me." Michael said as he rushed to his feet, grabbing at his coat.

"No. It's on me. But just this once." You said and laughed.

"I promise I won't be a gentleman and pay." He assured you jokingly and followed you out of the office building into the street.

The two of you walked to a tea house that wasn't too far away. It took a little longer to walk there than it had when you'd gone with Isaiah and Finn before. The two of you sat in the corner by the window, laughing and talking as you ordered.

"I have to admit. I am glad you wanted to come." You said shyly.

Michael smiled sweetly as he glanced up at you and looked delighted at what you'd said. "I'm glad you invited me!" He said eagerly.

Michael spent the best part of the evening worrying about telling Isaiah. He wasn't sure if it was ok that he'd gone out with you and the worry had eaten at him until he hadn't gotten any work done. Deciding to buy them each a beer and get it over with Michael met Isaiah in the back room.

"So you took my sister out?"

"Oh! You know?"

"Yeah! Me and Finn didn't have anything to do. She likes you a lot. I was hoping you liked her too." Michael shook his head and smiled. Isaiah laughed as he nudged Michael's arm and shook his head. "I'm glad you like her Michael. She has a pretty big crush on you."

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