I Don't Like You

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"Hey... oi you... hey Shelby girl." You turned to glare at the boy who was shouting at you.

"First of all my name is (Y/N) and I'm not a Shelby." You snapped at him.

"Tommy said you'll show me to the offices." He continued as if you hadn't spoken.

"Find them yourself." You sighed and wondered off.

"Hey!" He yelled after you but you didn't stop or turn around.

"I want to go." You said quickly to Poll who shook her head.

"No, here you're safe." Poll snapped. "We promised your family we'd keep you safe during the war."

"And the war is over, also this has nothing to do with why I can't go to the races." You huffed.

"Will you behave like a respectable young woman?" She said.

"Nothin' respectable about her." Michael snorted from the doorway.

"At least I can do better than whores." You hummed with a smirk.

"You two... if I let you go Michael doesn't let you out of his sight and if he says to do something you do it." Polly fixed you with a look that told you there would be no wiggle room.

"Fine but if he's an ass I'm ditching him and hanging around with John." You stuck your tongue out at the Blinder who pretended to be overly offended.

"See if we can rent her out while were there, maybe it'll make you nicer." He chuckled when you went to punch at him only to be swept from the room by Poll who glared at her son.

"I thought you said it'd be fun." You said to Tommy who shook his head and ruffled your hair.

"I said it was important." He grunted back.

"Normally when you say important me and Ada miss out on Arthur loosin' it." You grin at Arthur who scoffed.

Before Arthur could reply someone shouted and you suddenly felt yourself being tugged back, Michael pushing you behind him while the others scrambled to see who was attacking them.

"You alright?" He mumbled when Tommy handed him the keys to the car and told him to take you outside.

"Yeah, I've known them longer than you." He smirked and shook his head at you.

"Alright, if you're sure." He smiled when someone slammed out of the building making you jump. He didn't say a word when your hand nervously twisted into the end of his coat as the two of you sat in the car.

"Michael!" Tommy yelled over the music, he directed his cousin's attention to where you were drunkenly dancing with a group of people, one of the men trying to pull you off into a corridor.

"Arthur, give us a hand." Michael grunted as he handed his cigarette to his date, leaving her to glare after him.

"Oi you, hands off 'er." Arthur yelled making the man who was with you jump back and eye him nervously.

"Michael!" you slurred giggling when he grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you over his shoulder.

"Seriously." A woman's voice said from the end of the corridor.

"Uhoh." You giggled making the Blinders chuckle as Arthur help Michael set you on your feet so he could talk to the woman.

"You're ditching me for a little drunk whore?" She huffed.

"Technically, you're the whore... (Y/N)'s a family friend." He shrugged at his date and picked you back up.

"You takin' 'er to bed, don't leave 'er alone if you do." Arthur said quickly escorting Michael's date back to where the wedding guests were still partying.

"Michael... can I wear your hat?" You giggled as he headed into your bed room and let you flop onto the bed before shutting your bedroom door.

"Why?" He chuckled as you pulled it from his jacket pocket.

"I'm Michael Grey and I'm grumpy even when I'm bossing (Y/N) around." You slurred, puffing out your chest and walking the length of the bed.

"Alright, no need to be mean." He chuckled, gripping your legs and attempting to get you to lay down again. "Come on you need to sleep this off, Poll finds out how drunk we let you get she'll kill us."

"Your flowers pretty." You hum as he kicked off his shoes and lay down next to you.

"You want it?" He offered. You nodded and let him pull it off his jacket and hand you the flower before gently pulling the hair pins out of your hair, stroking the sift locks until you fell asleep.

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