Secrets and Lies

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"Where are you going?" Polly asked as Michael excused himself and slipped his jacket on. The few family members that had gathered for a drink and a card game in her kitchen glanced his way.

"To see (Y/N)." He muttered, knowing it would irritate her when he gave his answer.

"That girl! She's ashamed to be with you Michael, why can't you find a girl who's happy to be seen with you. She only lets you take her out once it's dark and places her friends won't go!" Polly snapped, she gave a glance at the men around the table, who all focused on their cards, Ada was the only one that held her gaze and nodded.

"If you're going to date a girl that's ashamed to be with you Michael don't get attached." Ada advised, not being one to talk Michael out of a bit of fun.

"Look, she knows who we are, it's not as if what we do is exactly legal all the time. She just doesn't want to get caught up in something." Michael said quietly.

Polly opened her mouth to blast another rant his way but Tommy gently touched her arm and shook his head.

"I understand Michael, she'll come around." He said and motioned for him to leave before Polly and Michael could have another argument about you. Michael muttered a thank you as he grabbed for his hat and left.


Michael stood on the agreed upon spot, his back against the wall as he waited for you, his cigarette held loosely between his fingers. He saw you file out of the pub with your friends. Knowing you'd pretend he'd mistaken you for another girl, if he approached, he waited for you to excuse yourself and take a shortcut home and meet him secretly.

"Sorry we were longer than I thought." You said as you approached him. He smiled, despite how he felt about the lengths you went to keep your relationship with him a secret.

"It's fine. We could go to the pictures if you like." He offered with a hopeful smile. You hesitated before answering.

"Maybe we could walk by the docks." You offered sweetly and took a few steps in their direction. When Michael didn't follow you stopped.

"You won't go with me? Just in case we're seen." He said as he finished his cigarette and flicked the butt away.

"It's not that, just." You started to say but Michael sighed and held up his hand,

"Are you embarrassed? You don't want people to know about us." He said and frowned when you shook your head.

"Look at your brother's wife. As soon as people know they shun them and maybe that's fine for them but I want to study and have a job,not get married and shunned." You tried to explain.

"So you avoid people seeing us together, not because you're ashamed or embarrassed but because association with my family could limit potential job options to better your future family that you've been studying for ?" Michael asked his frustration with you dwindling. You nodded and he hummed in surprise. "Do you need any help studying, my office is quiet now." He offered excitedly which made you giggle.

"I'm glad you understand Michael." You said quietly, taking his hand, not to worry about who saw, encouraged by Michael's support.

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