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The sound hit Michael as soon as he walked through the doors, a soft melody that contrasted with the deep boom of the drunken men that were singing along. Several times Michael tried to see the source of the voice only to be jostled out of the way.

"'Choo lookin for?" John asked when he found Michael staring towards the seat the singer was sat on.

"Nothing just listening." Michael muttered.

"Why don't you listen inside?" John muttered as he pulled Michael to his feet and into the back room.

The same thing happened for almost a month, he'd come to the Garrison to hear you sing, never glimpsing a sight of you but always hoping that you'd be in so he could hear you sing. His cousins' would laugh and make fun of him for doting on a girl he'd never met but he was determined to meet you.

He hatched a plan, telling Tommy he had to leave early for an emergency so he could wait in the Garrison, which was already filled with people, and get a seat at the bar near the small stage. He smiled when someone sat next to him, glancing up at you with a smile as he offered to buy you a drink.

"No thanks I'm about to start working." You muttered. He said nothing as he waited for the crowds to gather and the clock to hit the hour so he could finally set eyes on you.

It wasn't until you slid off your seat beside him and thank Harry for introducing you that he realized you were his magical voice. No one could take his eyes off you that night, the relaxing trill of your voice flowing over him, mixed with the sight of you swaying slightly in time with the music and how you could get the crowd riled up to sing along with you.

"Oi, Michael where you going?" Arthur yelled from across the bar.

He didn't respond, instead he made his way through the crowd to you, smiling widely at the thrill of finally finding you. He politely took your hand and kissed the back of it, formally introducing himself to you as he told you just how much he loved listening to you sing.

Michael Gray ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now