Meeting the nerds

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Your pov
It was the second day of school
I got dressed (Outfit on top), grabbed my stuff, ate breakfast, and went to get dropped off to school. When I got there. I still want to ask Anna about her and Hans. I saw her at her locker, I went up to her and said " Anna about yesterday what did Hans mean about you had yo chance with him"?.

Anna's Pov
I knew that (Y/N) would want to know but she's my friend, so I'll tell her I started to say " It was last summer, I was walking on the shore of the beach watching the boats and I accidentally bumped into someone, Hans, when I met him he was a really nice guy, he and I, we laughed, finished eachothers sentences, love sandwiches and chocolate, even we sing and dance together, and then one day I over heard him talking to Pitch black, Gothal, and Drago Bludvist, about hw using me for my money and he said awful things about me, so I got mad, I told him I was breaking up with him I found out he was a heart breaker so I hope I never fall in love with a jerk again." I felt tears falling from my cheeks.

(Y/N) pov
I felt sorry for Anna I hugged her and said " don't be sad sad Anna your a really nice person, and I promise if Hans does something really bad to you a I'm gonna teach him a lesson" she started to smile and said thanks. It was time for class I went to science "Good morning Mr. Callaghan" I said. Good morning (Y/N) he said smiling. I sat between two two boys I kinda assumed there brothers one was a tall one wearing a green sweater a cap and short hair the other one had messy hair, a dark blue sweater, a red shirt, and a tooth gap. I said "Hi I'm (Y/N)."

(???) pov
"Hi I'm Tadashi, this is my brother Hiro." "Hello." said Hiro (Y/N) said " are you guys in the robotics group.?" "Yep" said Hiro "We make alot of robotics and inventions alot of people just calls us nerds, you can come over at our lab tonight.

(Y/N) pov
"I would love to" I said. "Great" said Tadahi. He and Hiro gave me their phone numbers. The bell ringed, I went to my locker and grabbed stuff, I saw Hiccup at his locker, I went over to him and said " Hi Hiccup".

Hiccup's pov
I heard someone saying hi to me it was (Y/N). "Hi (Y/N), ( I think I should tell her my secret about my pet) Hey I to show you to someone, but promise you won't tell anyone. "I promise" Said (Y/N). I opened my backpack acne took out my pet cat.

Your pov
He pulled a black cat with green eyes out from his backpack. "He's really cute, his name?" he said " this is toothless, I bring him to school sometimes, he really wait for me to get home." I smiled. "You come over to my house tomorrow to play with him after school." he said. "I would love to hiccup, would you and toothless like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" I said. "Sure' see ya at lunch. We left for class.

(Time skipped)
Still your pov
I told my friends well have someone sitting with us, it was hiccup. They were okay with it. "Hi (Y/N)" someone said it was Hiccup.

Hiccup's pov
I sat sat between (Y/N) and Astrid, We talked alot I told them about group there was Heather,Fishlegs,Ruffnut and Tuffnut, and snoutlout. I talked alot with (Y/N).

Tadashi's pov
I saw (Y/N) at that table over there with Hiccup, Astrid,Anna, Merida, and Rapunzel. I told Hiro and we want to sit next to her. "Hi (Y/N)". We both said "Hi guys"
She said. We asked if we can sit with them. They said yes. I sat next to (Y/N) and Hiro sat in front of her. It was really great sitting with some new friends

Hiro's pov
I was having fun at this group, (Y/N) was really nice about inviting us to sit with her and her friends.

Hiccup's pov
I know I only know a little about (Y/N) but I think I have a crush on her. Because she looks beautiful, smart, loves animals like me, and she's really nice.

After lunch
Your pov
I head to my locker to get my stuff, but I felt a tap on my shoulder I thought it was Hans but it was a girl giving party invitations for a girl named Mavis. It was going to be on Saturday, a huge party say her dads famous hotel. I guess I could go if my mom lets me. I went to gym and my gym teacher Mrs. Calhoun was a ruff and tuff. Good her class ended early cause she had other work to do. I head to locker,I got my stuff and started to head outaide to go home. But I saw The trouble makers at the front of the school, I got a little scared but I top get our there or else (S/N or B/N) will have to walk home. I quickly rushed outside but someone grabbed my arm it was Hans. He said " Hey beautiful where you going?" "Home" I said Why would you want to go home when you can go out with me?" he said. I said "cause I got friends, A family, and a... Boyfriend already, more nicer,smarter, and not annoying like you. He said " How dare you, no one ever said that to me, ever. You said Believe I just did. Hans said "I still won't let you go until you date me. I got so angry I slapped him in his face. I left to my mom's car.

[Later at night]
I texted Tadashi and Hiro I was coming to the lab. I went inside and I was so amazed alot of inventions and robotics. I met alot of people, I met Honey lemon, Gogo, Wasabi, and Fred. I saw Hiro, he told me about his microbots. Then Tadashi came and told me to follow him, he took me into a room, he took some duck tape out and ripped it off my arm. "Ow, what did you do that for. A soft looking robot came out and said "Hello I am Baymax your personal health care companion. I was amazed and I thought it was cute. "On a scale top 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain. I said "2" he gave Mr a bacteria spray, it healed my arm.

Tadashi's pov
She was smiling and laughing and she looks cute, no I just met her, I can't start having feelings for her, but I help it she looks so beautiful,cute, and really nice.

Hiro pov
I tiptoed to the front door until I got caught. Tadashi said "nice try Hiro, you know bot fighting is illegal you almost got arrested last time". "What's bot fighting?" (Y/N) said. I said "Bot fighting is where you battle your bots for money." Tadashi said "And he liked it so much he did it 20 times and the last time he almost got arrested".

Your pov
I remembered I were suppose to be home before 12:00. I said "I have to go home my parents are wondering where I am." I said goodbye to them gave them hugs but Tadashi's hug lasted long. I said " uh, Tadashi you can let go now." Tadashi let go and I left. It was great meeting the nerds they were really great. I hope I can hang out with them again.

Troubled Pentagon Love Hiro X Tadashi X Reader XJack Frost X HiccupWhere stories live. Discover now