Hurray for animals

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Your pov
I got dressed (outfit on top under the animals), I ate breakfast, and headed off to school. I went to my locker and I heard Hans say "If you do have a boyfriend where is he or who is he, if your lying to me, you will have no choice but to date me." I said " He lives far away in Russia and his name is Kristoff Bjorman, we were dating for 6 years, and he has a pet deer, a hug family, a nice voice, and he likes hiking. Hans said with a certain face " okay by the Mavis's party this weekend, he better be here, because if he doesn't come, you will have to go on a date with me." After he left I took my phone out and started texting someone.

(Y/N): Hi, I know it's been a while since we talked, but I need you to come over this weekend.

(???): Okay, I'll be over by Friday.

(Y/N): Thanks I really oh you one.

You put my phone away, and headed to class. I sat next to my friends, but they were giving me a glare. "What?" I said. Astrid said "so, is it true you have a boyfriend for 6 years?". I made sure Hans wasn't around, I told them, "No I only said that to get Hans away from me, and he wants to meet him his weekend at the party, and I asked am old friend of mine to come." They understand what I meant. I saw Hiro and Tadashi came in and I waved hi to them, but I saw Tadashi covering his face with his hands.

Tadashi's pov
I saw (Y/N) wave to us and she was wearing a cute outfit I covered my face from her seeing me blushing.

Your pov
After class I went to lunch, I sat at my table and a cute little black cat went on my lap, it's Toothless. "Hi buddy, how's it going?". He cuddle me while he purred.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Hiccup. He said " (Y/N) have you seen Toothless anywhere?." I show him toothless on my lap. I gave him, toothless and be at his house later. He smile and left.

Time skipped [school ended]

Still Your pov
I asked my mom if I can go to a friends house. She said yes I walked to Hiccup's house, good he gave me his address. I texted him that I'm right infront of his house. I knocked on the door, it opened, and a woman came out.
She said "There's my future daughter in law." I said " Hi, I'm (Y/N), is Hiccup her-what?!" She hugged me really tight until I heard a man's voice saying "oh it's Hiccup's girlfriend." then he hugged me. I heard a familiar voice, it was hiccup. He said " mom, dad, she's just my friend, and you gotta stop going that when a girl comes over." They let go of me. The man said " Sorry just we were waiting so long for Hiccup to get a girlfriend, he never been on any dates and no one will go out with him, by the way I'm Stoick the vast and this is wife Valka. "Nice to meet you." I said. I heard a purr coming from my legs it was toothless cuddling me. "Hey buddy, how's it going?". Stoick asked " How did you know about our cat, Hiccup have you been taking him to school again?". He looked mad. Hiccup was about to say something but I cut him off, I said "He didn't, he showed me a picture of him, he was adorable." Stoick said " Oh sorry I got mad son." Hiccup smiled and mouthed to me ''thanks''.

Hiccup's pov
I said " lets go out side my friends are there." she followed me outside. I said " (Y/N) this is Snoutlout, Heather, Fishlegs, and the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut."
"Hey names Snoutlout, how about you and I get to know eachother better? snoutlout said. "No thanks." said (Y/N). I went up to her and said " (Y/N) this is our pets Hookfang, Windshear, Meatlug, and Barf & Belch. She smiled, she looked so cute.

Heather's pov
"So (Y/N) are you enjoying your time with us?" I asked. She said "yes you guys are fun." I smiled.

Valka's pov
Me and Stoick secretly watched them, I think (Y/N) and Hiccup are cute for eachother. I asked Stoick, "Maybe we can help Hiccup and (Y/N) get together."

Stoick's pov
I smiled about what she just said. I got everyone to come inside for a snack we made (Y/F/S) [your favorite snack], Even made snacks for their pets. (Y/N) was very nice, I asked her questions. "(Y/N) what's your favorite color, Likes, Hate, favorite songs, and family members.?

Your pov
I said. "My favorite color is (F/C), I like my friends, the animals, and parties, I hate Hans, Jerks, and the trouble makers, my favorite song is (F/S) [favorite song], and I have two parents and a little bro/sis.

Stoick's pov
I smiled at her and I could imagine her and Hiccup the future, (Y/N) (L/N) becomes (Y/N) horendous haddock the 3rd.

Your pov
I started to say to Hiccup, "So Hiccup when did you meet toothless?". He said, "When I was 8 years old, I found him alone in the rain when I was walking home with Mom, he was all alone with no friends, no family, no food, and no home, so I asked mom if it was okay, she said yes, and after many years went by we became best friends." I smiled and said "Aw what a sweet story, you are a really nice guy."

Hiccup's pov
I started to blush about what she just said, but I stopped when I saw my parents trying to take a picture of me and (Y/N). I gave them a glare and they left. I picked up Toothless and started to ask (Y/N) about Mavis's party this weekend, "So will you be coming to the party this weekend?"

Your pov
He asked me if I was going to the party, I said, "Maybe I haven't asked my parents yet." he said,
"if you do come can you help me and friends decorate the party room?" "sure", I said. He started to smile, and he said "thank you."
"Can we bring the animals worth us?" Hiccup looked at his friends and they all nodded. He said, "yes". I smiled.

Ruffnut's pov
I saw (Y/N) and Hiccup looking and smiling at eachother I started to whisper and I said "Ship it" [if you don't know what that means search it online].

Tuffnut's pov
I kinda heard my sister say "ship it" I found out what she meant she thinks Hiccup and (Y/N) should be a couple, and I thought of a great name for them (c/n) [ couple name].!

Snoutlout's pov
I can't believe she choose Hiccup over me, I'm stronger, smarter, handsomer, and better than him.

Fishlegs pov
Oh I'm so happy that I can bring meatlug with me to decorate the place. I gave meatlug a hug & kiss.

Heather's pov
Oh I can't wait, Windshear always wanted to decorate for parties.

Your pov
My dad was calling me, I went to the living room and said.
(Y/N):Hi dad

(D/N): Hey, (Y/N) time to come home now, come pick you up

(Y/N): okay dad,bye.

(D/N): bye.

Still your pov
I put my phone away, and told everyone I have to go home now, I said good bye to them but Hiccup kept staring at me. "Uh, good bye Hiccup." I said. He said " oh good bye (Y/N)". He started to blush. I went outside to dad's car.

(D/N)'s pov
My daughter got in the car, I asked her about her day, she said "it was great, I met new friends and saw some cute animals."
I started to ask her," is there any boys there?, because if there are I don't want you dating anyone of them."

(Y/N) pov
I got annoyed by my dads question, he always asks me those kind of questions since I was 5yrs old. He's over protective. I said, "Dad, you know I won't be going on any dates anytime soon" he smiled and sighed with relief. I started to ask, "Dad can I go to a party that is this weekend, my friends will be there?". As I waited fr him to answer. He said " Of course you can. I smiled and said "thank you dad." I can't wait for tomorrow to help decorate.

Troubled Pentagon Love Hiro X Tadashi X Reader XJack Frost X HiccupWhere stories live. Discover now