Meet The Frost Family

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Tonight was an awesome girls night out, we all went home to get dress for school, for me I got home early to take a shower, I  got dressed [outfit in the middle],
ate pancakes for breakfast and I heard were having (f/y/h) [food you hate] for lunch, so I decided to take my own lunch to school for a change, I asked my mom if she can make me something for lunch, she made me a box lunch filled with fruits, veggies, triangle sliced sandwiches, and a little vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and a strawberry. After I got my lunch from my mom, I went to school, after I put my stuff in my locker and I headed to the wood shop, and I saw Jack, he asked me if I want to be his partner, and I said yes and our teacher said, "Class today were going to make bird houses, so choose your partners, and get started. Me and Jack started making the bird house, it looked so beautiful, we painted it (f/c) and (s/f/c) with a little star on it. We got an A+. He said, "I can't wait to see my real family face to face, and for you to meet them" I said, "Me too, do I need to bring something?" "No, just bring yourself." we both smiled

Jack's pov
Her smile looks cute and beautiful. I saw Eugene and Once-let waiting for me outside the class, we left the class after the bell ranged, Eugene said, "Hey, (Y/N)" he gave her a fist bump and Once-let said "How are you" he gave her a hand shake. She said, "I'm great, so how where your new girlfriends?" They both said, "They were great, I love them." then we all left for our next class.

At science
Mavis's pov
Tonight was a great for my first date, me and Johnny went to the museum and went to a mini mark, we bought slurped (my nickname for the slushies), and We went to the fair and kissed on the top of the ferris wheel.

Rapunzel's pov
I was happy for Mavis and Johnny. I saw (Y/N) and I wonder if she likes anyone I said, "Hey
(Y/N), I really have to ask you something." she said,"What is it?"
"Do you have a crush on anyone?" "No of course not" she said. "Oh" I said a bit disappointed.

[Time skipped] [At lunch]
Your pov
I brought my box lunch to the lunch room and sat with my friends, I saw Logo and Honey Lemon, I waved hi to them and said, "Hey, It's been a while how are you guys." "Were great and you?" they both said. "I'm great as well, tell Fred and Wasabi I said Hi." They nodded and left to their table.

Tadashi's pov
I saw (Y/N) with...A BOX LUNCH!!!. I started to day dream about her, She said, "Here, my love, I got you a box lunch filled with cakes and cookies, so you and I can feed eachother." I began to shout out loud, "I WOULD LOVE TO FEED YOU MY BEAUTIFUL (Y/N/N)!" Hiro's said, "Tadashi everyone can hear you"
While everyone was looking, Hiro dragged me away.

[Time skipped again]
Your pov
I got my stuff from my locker, and I heard a voice, "Hello, again beautiful." It was Hans again. I said, "What do you want Hans?" he said, "I just wanted to see how your doing and I really miss seeing you, I was thinking, maybe we can go get a drink or something." I said, "HANS YOU KNOW I HATE YOU AND YOU KNOW I HAVE KRISTOFF!" He said, fine but one day you'll be mine." I got angry and I kicked him in his you know what, and left. I saw Jack and said, "Hey, ready to meet your real parents?" He said, "I am."

Jack's pov
I'm really nervous to face my real parents, but at least (Y/N) is here with me, we got on my motorcycle and began to ride to my birth parents house, She was holding onto me real tight. We got to their house we got to the front of their door, I ranged the doorbell and a woman came out and her eyes widened and then a man came out and said, "Who is it honey *gasp*. Then a little girl came and said, "Hello sir, what's your name?" I began to say, "Hi, my name is-. Then they cut me off and said, "JACK" it was parents and they gave me a hug like they were never gonna let go. Then the little girl said, "Mom, Dad, do you know him?" My mom said, "Emma, this is your older brother Jack, Jack this is your little sister Emma" Emma got surprised when she heard she had a brother. Dad said, "Jack how come you hadn't visited us before." I said, "Cause I thought you forgot about me, after I saw you with Emma I thought you didn't want me anymore." then they said, "That's not true, we waited so long to see you again." then they saw (Y/N) and pulled her into our group hug, to thank her for helping me see them again. Then I said,"How about you meet my adopted family?" They said yes even Emma.

[At a giant toy store]
Emma's pov
I said "Wow, do they run a toy store, Jack?" he said, "Yep, they run the amazing toy store in the world, they're rich and have great toys in there, I could get you one for free, if you like" I said, "YES, YES, YES.

Your pov
We got inside and I said, "Wow Jack, I'm really impressed." then I accidently bumped into someone it was a man with a white beard, wearing a red and black, and has blue eyes. I said, "Oh, I'm so sorry sir, I wasn't looking were I was going." then he said, "Oh it's okay, it was an accident." Jack said, "North, this my friend (Y/N) and my birth family." he greeted them and me and he offered us to come up stairs and have some cookies.

North's pov
So that's (Y/N), that Jack was talking about, she's beautiful and she's nice, maybe Jack finally got his first crush at last, HoHoHo, maybe she'll be ending up being (Y/N) Frost, I think I should help them get to together.

[In their home up stairs]

Bunny's/Aster's pov
I saw North and Jack came inside with two parents with their daughter and ...A GIRL ABOUT JACK'S AGE! I said, "Hey frostbite is she your new girlfriend?" He said, " She's not my girlfriend you kangaroo." I said, "Stop calling me Kangaroo!" the girl said, "Hello my name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm just Jack's friend." I said, "I'm Aster but you can call me bunny if you like."

Toothina's pov
I came into the room with baby tooth, Jamie, and Sophie. I saw a a married couple and two girls, I said, "Hello, my name is Toothina and this is my daughter baby tooth and my nephew and niece Jamie and Sophie." Sophie saw the pretty girl and she said, "Ooh Jack is getting married, I want to be a flower girl!" Jack said, "Woah! Sophie she's just my friend, Sorry (Y/N) she's still in daycare and she wants me to get married so she can be a flower girl and have a new sister." he blushed from embarrassesment and (Y/N) I think that's what he said, she said, "It's okay Jack, Hiccup's parents did the same." I went over and gave my husband bunny a kiss and baby tooth went over to hug him and she said "Daddy!"

Sandy's pov
I came home and saw a really pretty girl with Jack and... His real parents. I went over and waved I couldn't talk cause I lost my voice.

North's pov
To get Jack & (Y/N) together I got an idea, I began to say, "Jack, how about you and (Y/N) go play some video games and you and I'll make you some chocolate chip cookies, and some hot chocolate. Jamie said, "Ooh, can I play too?" I started a lie I said, "Nope, your still grounded for-for uh, Painting the walls with crayon." he said, "Really, I did that when I was 2 years old, and - oh I know what your really up to." I forgot he's that smart. But I got away with it, Jack and (Y/N) started playing video games and I asked bunny, tooth and Jack's parents to help me peak at them and they yes because they wanted to see if Jack is gonna make a move, but Sandy and Jamie didn't want to see Jack with a girl yet, but Sophie and Baby Tooth wants Jack to get married so they can play with their babies and they want Jack to happy.

No ones pov
Jack and (Y/N) were playing video games they ate cookies and drank hot chocolate, Jack kept looking back to keep everyone from watching them, they invited Jamie and Emma to play with them, they all had fun. Jack's mom and dad showed (Y/N) some cute baby pictures they had of Jack before they gave him up and even Emma, which kinda embarrassed him, but she thought it was cute, she heard so many wonderful stories about this family and they all loved her. Bunny, Tooth, and their daughter baby tooth told (Y/N) alto about them, about how tooth and bunny met, Tooth is a nice dentist, bunny is a artist, and baby tooth goes to a nice school with Jamie. Jamie and Emma really likes (Y/N), they thought she was nice, pretty, and the same amount of fun like Jack.

Your pov
It was time to home, I said, "I have top go home now, it was nice meeting you all and thank you for the cookies, pictures and mostly meeting you all." They all nodded and they all pulled me into a group hug and Jack came to drive me home on his motorcycle. When we got their I said, "Bye Jack, I hope I could visit you guys again" he said, "Bye and (Y/N) thanks for helping me getting the courage to see my birth family again." I said, "No problem, see ya." he gave me a hug and then left. I got inside my house and (B/N or S/N) was their he/she said, "Hi (Y/N), how was your day?" I said, "It was great, I helped a friends see his birth family again and I met his entire family." he/she said, "Wow your a really nice person (Y/N)." he/she gave me a hug and I hugged back. I said, "I know."

Troubled Pentagon Love Hiro X Tadashi X Reader XJack Frost X HiccupWhere stories live. Discover now