I'm in love with a bad boy

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Your pov
I woke up, got dressed [outfit on the left], I went down stairs and ate breakfast. My mom came and said, "(Y/N), we need to talk." I said, "Sure, what is it?" she said, "(Y/N) I know you have really nice friends and I really like them, but I think you need to end it with the boys." I said, "Wait, What, what do you mean?" she said, "I don't hate them, I like them alot, but you began to hang with the guys more than the girls and who knows, maybe one of them might ask you to be there girlfriend and what if you say yes, and what if one day you'll become a teen mom?" I said, "Mom, non of that is gonna happen you know me, no boys after college." then she said, "I know, but I want you to stop hanging with boys already, please I don't want you hurt, gone, abused, or even pregnant at a young age." I got angry but I didn't want to yell, so I said, "Mom, I know your trying to protect me, but please I know how to take care of myself so please understand." my mom said, "Your right, I'm sorry that I tried to talk you out of your friendship." I said, "It's okay mom, I'll see you after school." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed to school. I got to my locker and a note fell out, I thought it was my friends trying to make their ship come true but it was a letter from Dagur. It said,
Hey (Y/N), I hope you have a great time today, so we can hang out after school. From
Still your pov
I giggled and blushed a bit and headed to class and I saw Dagur, I sat next to him and said, "Hey Dagur, thanks for the note." He said, "Your welcome,  you look beautiful." I said, "Thanks." I blushed really hard.

Merida's pov
I got in class and I saw (Y/N) with, DAGUR! I saw her blush and oh no I think she's falling in love with him. Why him he's a jerk and he even killed his own father. After class, I'm going to have a talk with (Y/N).

[After class]
Your pov
I said to Dagur, "See you after school." he said, "See ya." I was walking to second period, but then I got pushed to the ground which caused everyone to look. I said, "Hey, I don't know who you are but you are gonna ge-MERIDA!" I was surprised that Merida would do that. She said, "ARE YOU CRAZY, HANGING AROUND WITH THAT IDIOT!?" I said, "What are you talking about?" Then the guys and girls came. Elsa said, "(Y/N) are you okay, Merida what were you thinking?" Merida said, "Talk to her about, Dagur." I said, "Wait what about him, do you know him?" Anna said, "Oh we forgot to tell you about him." I said, "What?, What's wrong?" Hiccup said, "He is a crazy and bad student, he hangs with the trouble makers and he, even killed his own father." I said, "He wouldn't do that, would he?" Astrid, "He would, asked Heather." I remembered he told me he was Heather's brother. I said, "But he was really nice when I met him." Jack said, "Try not to fall for his tricks. The bell ranged and I headed to class.

[Time skipped] [Free time]
Your pov
I was sitting under a tree, the guys were finishing up a project, the girls were hanging with their boyfriends and playing some kind of sports and I was sketching under the tree and I heard someone say, "Ha, you draw much here?" it was Dagur. I said, "Sometimes I come here to draw." he said, "Your a pretty good drawer." I said, "Thanks, ... Dagur is it true that you, killed your father?"

Dagur's pov
(Y/N) said, "Thanks, ... Dagur is it true that you, killed your father?" I said, "No, when me and Heather were younger, both of our parents disappeared and the cruel man who wants to sell our house and kick us out on the streets, after when our father disappeared, I let him believe that so he can leave us alone, until one day other kids find out and the began to fear me but I kept Heather out of this so she can be safe." (Y/N) said, "Wow, I am really sorry that happened to you Dagur." I said, "Don't worry I got over it, besides I have you for a nice friend." I saw a blush on her face. I said, "Well, I have to get back to the trouble makers or else their gonna make fun of Heather and don't worry, I'll make sure they stay away from you." She smiled and said, "Thanks." I waved and left.

[Time skipped] [After school]
Your pov
I texted my parents that I'm going to hang out with a friend today and I'll be home soon. I made sure the guys and girls aren't around. And Dagur came with a motorcycle with a fire skeleton on it, it looked really cool. I got on and we headed to the town.

No ones pov
(Y/N) and Dagur went to the city and saw lots of new things, first they went to a ice cream polar and ate a ice cream Sunday with extra sprinkles, next they went to the park and they went on the swings pushing eachother, then they went to a concert to see (Y/F/B), and last they went to a hill to watch the sunset. They looked into eachother eyes, they smiled, and blushed.

[Time skipped]
Your pov
Before he dropped me off he said, "Hey, (Y/N) I had alot of fun today." I said, "Me too" He said, "I know we know eachother a little bit, but I need to show you something." I said, "What is it?"
He put his lips on mine, he was kissing me and I was kissing back. I said, "Wow, your a great kisser Dagur." he said, "Thanks, so are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I said, "I liked that, but lets not tell everyone though or else they'll freak out." he said, "Okay, sounds like a plan." We gave eachother another kiss and I headed home.
I got inside the house and said in my head, I'm so in love with a bad boy.❤

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