Fangirl (Madison/Patrick/Pete's POV)

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My friends all flipped out when they heard that I had won. I was extremely excited that for once in my life, I had won a real contest. It was exciting. Now it was time to tell my last class of the day, Spanish, the one that they were supposed to come to, that they were coming. Class was at first boring. I virtually slept through a lecture by my teacher, Mrs. Gonzales. I also talked to the girl next to me. At 2:00 sharp, I raised my hand.

Mrs. G said, "Yes, Madison?"

I said, "I have an announcement for the class. Do you mind?"

Mrs. G smiled and said, "Of course. Go on up."

Walking up to the front of the class, I stood behind Mrs. G's podium and said, "Attention, su clase." (Yes, Spanish. lol) I continued, "Um, 2 weeks ago, I entered a contest to meet Fall Out Boy. And this morning, I found out that I won. They're coming today, in about 15 minutes. Mrs. G knows already. Some of you might. But they'll be here today and all of next week. Well, that's it. Um, thanks."

I rushed to my seat and smiled. A lot of people smiled at me, and some listened to Mrs. G's lecture about an upcoming singing contest. I was about to doze off when there was a knock on the door. A girl at the front of the class, Caitlyn James, got the door. I stood up, wondering if it was them. And as soon as I heard someone scream out of excitement, I was right. The best week of my life was about to start.


"PETE! HURRY UP!" I heard Joe bark at Pete, who was getting dressed after literally just getting up.

Pete yelled, "I'm almost ready, shut the fuck up!"

I laughed and ran downstairs to the first floor of the 3- floor tour bus. Pete was brushing out his hair. He just had jeans and socks on, so needless to say, he lied when he said he was almost ready. The fact that he didn't wear that god awful eyeliner anymore cut down the time by about 2 minutes. He was lip syncing to "The Phoenix" and as soon as he saw me, he turned around, still lip syncing.

I gave him a weird look and said, "Come on."

He said, slipping a shirt on, "I'm almost ready."

He was right this time. Soon, we were out of the bus, walking in the visitors' office of the academy which this girl, Madison Baker, or the winner of the contest, went to. I was excited to be going to a school like this; I'd looked up on it and it had cool things like a karate class, a froyo bar and even an event center, where Panic! had performed at a few years back. Of course it was cool, it was in San Francisco. But I was still surprised at how cool it was and how rich this chick was if she could afford a school like this.

Walking out of the visitors' office 5 minutes later (or shorter if the secretary hadn't asked for autographs and pictures and all that shit), Pete took a map (yes, the school had a map) out of his pocket and said, "Where's this chick's classroom?"

Joe said, "It's in the language hall."

Pete joked, "No shit, Sherlock. It's a Spanish class."

I said, "The language hall is the 'D' hall, and we're at C right now." The C building was the science hall. The A1 building was physical education, A2 Building was history, B was Math, C science, D language, E English, and F performing arts/ other electives. It was a confusing system, but good thing the school had a map.

Thinking about my high school experiences in Glenview, Illinois, Andy said, "We're here! D101. Fucking finally, I swear to God. Can't this chick go to public school?" Pete laughed and opened the door. Inside, I saw a brown- haired girl look up and a blondie head to the door. The door opened, and the blondie screamed, knowing it was us. In the back, the brown- haired girl, maybe Madison, sat down and pumped her fist with the girl next to her. What an eccentric group of people.


Patrick, Andy, Joe and I stared at the blonde girl who had opened the door. She said, collecting herself, "Hi, I'm Caitlyn James. Sorry if I seem out of sorts, I'm a huge fan though and didn't actually think you were coming. Um, come on in." She smiled and held the door open for us, closing it at Andy, the last one in.

Joe said, "Didn't anyone think we were gonna show? Everyone in the PE classes were staring at us like we were aliens."

Another blonde girl chimed in, "You guys are famous. Nobody expects anyone famous to come here."

Smiling, I said, "Well, hi, guys. We're Fall Out Boy, as you probably already figured out! Um, first, I need to ask where Madison Baker is."

Madison, the brown-haired girl, said, "I'm right here." She stood up and continued, "I'm so glad I won. I was tempted to not sign up at all, cause I didn't think I was gonna win. But I did! Yay." The class laughed and she sat down. Patrick and I stared at each other. She seemed really cool and she was really pretty.

Andy said, "What's your favorite song by us?"

She said, "West Coast Smoker is amazing. I listen to it all the time. When it first came out, my mom thought it was an inappropriate song, hence the name. What A Catch is also just as good. It made my brother cry."

The teacher, Mrs. Gonzales, said, "Well, boys, we've been doing a singing competition to prepare for our big test in 2 weeks, and now that you're here, I was wondering if you could judge. You know, give my students some pointers, help me pick a winner, stuff like that."

I said, "I'd be happy to do that! And so would the guys." My friends smiled, and Mrs. G said, "Okay, well, we have 3 competitions left, class. Jada vs. Devon, Aaron vs. Colton, and Madison vs. Caitlyn. First up, Jada and Devon." The girl next to Madison, Jada Santelli, and a boy in the front, Devon Vera, walked up to the front.

Jada said, "Hi, guys. and this is my friend, Devon Vera. Today, I'll be singing 'Unconditionally' by Katy Perry."

Devon said, "I'll be singing 'PYD' by Justin Bieber, not my choice. Let's go, I guess."

*skipping forward 10-12 minutes* It was time for Madison and Caitlyn to go up. Jada had probably won the first one, even though Devon was great, and Colton Andrews was sure to win his. We'd find out on Monday, I guess. Madison and Caitlyn walked up to the front of the class.

Madison said, "Hi! Um, today, we'll be doing a battle between 'Hey Brother' by Avicii, which Caitlyn will be singing, and 'Feel Good' by Robin Thicke, sung by me. Let's go."

Caitlyn sang the first riff of her song and then went on. (I can't post lyrics, sorry :() Madison went on to sing as well. In my opinion, it was close, but Madison sounded a bit better. Patrick, Joe and Andy immediately went with Madison. Mrs. G said, "Boys, what did you think? Talk to Caitlyn first."

Andy said, "Caitlyn, that was amazing. The only piece of advice we would give you is to try to be more confident. We could tell you were nervous, and it made your voice sound a little pitchy. Other than that, it was amazing. Great job!" Caitlyn smiled.

For Madison, I said, "Madison, I am so happy you're confident and you don't back down at all! When I heard your song choice, I worried because I thought it would be extremely hard. And now, I stand corrected. Both of you rocked, and we've made our decision that by a small slope, Madison did the best. But the decision is up to Mrs. G. Good job, both of you! I enjoyed it." Joe and Patrick hugged Caitlyn, and Andy and I hugged Madison. Then we switched. The two girls sat down.

Mrs. G said, "Okay, good job to everyone. I'll think about it over the weekend and let you know on Monday. Have a great weekend!" The bell rang and the class filed out. Madison walked forward, towards the lockers.

I said, "Hey, do you want a ride home? Our tour bus can hold 10 people, and you'd be 5."

Madison said, "I'm fine walking home, but thank you!"

Patrick said, "We insist. This school is awesome and it's the least we could do. Come on."

Madison smiled and said, "Well, okay. I need to go to my locker first, if that's okay with you guys."

Andy said, "Take your time. We have a full weekend ahead of us. We're in no hurry."

I said, "I'll come with you to your locker. Guys, do you wanna start the bus?"

Patrick said, "Okay. See you guys in a few minutes!" Madison waved and we walked to her locker. Smiling, I thought to myself, "This will be a good week."

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