Seven Minutes in Heaven (Patrick's POV)

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     Wednesday went by really quick. We did a ton of fun stuff today, and holy smokes, I had a great time. But I was still depressed. So as soon as I got to Maddie's house, I walked into Pete's and my guest room and grabbed my blades. I ripped off my cardigan and pressed the sharp cut into my flesh. It burned, but I couldn't care less. It soothed me.

     I had 3 new cuts on my arm when the door opened and I heard Maddie say, "Patrick, have you seen my blue Sharpie at all? I think I left it in here when I- oh my god. Patrick, honey, don't move. I'll be right back." She ran out of the room and ran back, carrying tissue. She said, "Patrick, honey. What, why?"

     I saw tears in her eyes, and I dropped the blades on the bed, upset that I was caught but even more upset that Maddie was upset. I said, "Sit down, Maddie." I picked the blades up and put them in my bag. She sniffled and sat down.

    She said, "Patrick, honey, I just don't get it. I know you're depressed but I didn't think this much. Would you be hurt if I asked why?"

    At first, I didn't say anything. Well, I couldn't. I tried to talk but then tears clouded my eyes. My throat choked up, and Maddie saw and took my hand, which made me burst into tears.

    I said, "It's just too much. My stupid wife is mad at me, Joe and I recently got into a fight, and I'm in love with Pete but don't know how to tell him. This is like my secret place. I can't be judged in here, unless I'm caught."

   Maddie said, "Patrick, hon, you can't keep this to yourself. You need to tell somebody. At least Pete."

    I said, "No, Maddie, I can't do that."

   She said, "I can tell him if you want. I just want you to get the help you deserve."

   I said, standing up and getting angry, "Well, I don't need your fucking help! I can do this myself. And you know what? Fuck you for trying to get me to talk, fuck you for trying to help, fuck you for being in my life! I hate you, I hate Pete, I hate Joe, I hate Andy, and I hate everybody! And you're not making matters any better." I ran out the door, crying harder than I ever had before. I felt like an asshole for yelling at Maddie. She was just trying to help.

    Andy, who was watching TV, saw me and ran to me. He hugged me and I sobbed into his shoulder. He rubbed my back and said, "It's okay, Patty."

    I said, "I need some alone time. Thanks for your support, though." I walked out to the bus and went in, locking the door. I saw Pete pull up, and I looked out the window at him. He looked back and saw me. He just waved and walked inside. I sighed and continued to cry for easily 20 minutes.


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