What A Catch, Maddie [Part 2] (Joe/Madison's POV)

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     Maddie's classes were fun to be in. After Chemistry, which was awesome, she had P.E., and we played Just Dance 2014. 3rd period Pre-Calc was just about the most boring thing I had ever watched. Pete, who was sitting next to Madison, fell asleep. Fucking guy. AP World, which was next, was pretty cool. The groups of 4 played some civilization- naming game. And we even got to play in our own 4 group. English, 5th period, was boring. They took a vocab quiz and then talked to us for the rest of the period.

      We finally found out who won the competitions in 6th period. I wasn't surprised to hear Jada, Colton, and Maddie's names. Pete wasn't there, though. He said he was tired and wanted to take a nap. I didn't fucking blame him. The suspense leading up to Maddie and Caitlyn was long, though. I could see Jada getting bored. Even Patrick, who had pulled up a chair next to Maddie, was bored. But when we heard Maddie's name, we were all happy. Except for Caitlyn.

      The two hugged and Caitlyn whispered something in Maddie's ear. When the period ended, we went to the tour bus.

       Maddie said, "I'm kinda scared. Caitlyn whispered to me that she was gonna get me. And you guys."

       Andy said, "Fucking bullshit. She seemed nice but kinda cocky, too. We shouldn't worry about it."

       She said, "I still need to tell Pete."


       Patrick wanted to go shopping, and I didn't wanna come. I walked in the door, still worrying about Caitlyn, when I saw Pete, getting a massage from some random lady.

       I said, "Um?"

       Pete said, "Oh, shit." He sat up and said, "I thought you were at school."

       I said, "Minimum days, remember?"

       He said, "Oh, sorry. We're done, anyway."

       After he paid the chick and left, I said, "We have a problem."

       He lay on the couch and said, "Give it to me."

      I said, "Caitlyn, that one blonde chick that I competed against, said she's gonna reign hell on me and you guys."

       Pete sighed and said, "I don't believe she'd do it. Do you?"

      I said, "I don't know. She didn't sound very serious."

     He said, "Then don't sweat it. It'll be okay."

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