Fun Packed Day [Part 1] (Madison's POV)

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        I only got 6 hours of sleep, and when I woke up, I was tired as hell. Stupid parties. My brother had 10 friends sleeping over, and my sister had 4 over. In addition to Andy, Joe, Patrick, and Pete, Jada, Stella, Jessica, Devon, and the 2 Andrews had stayed the night. Mack, Brad, and Dustin had to go for various reasons but were coming back later. I walked out of my bedroom to see Pete walking down the hall, looking like he'd just gotten out of the shower (actually he had, I'd heard the water running) and dressed in tight black jeans and a red t-shirt.

        I said, "Hi, Pete!"

       He turned around and said, "Hi. I'm gonna get Patrick." He smiled and put his finger to his lips. Patrick was sleeping soundly like a baby. Pete nudged Patrick with his leg. No response. I scoffed as Pete nudged Patrick in the face with his foot. I said, "You guys are so weird."

        Pete said, "Aren't we though?" I giggled and Patrick opened his eyes.

         He said, "Pete, did you nudge me with your foot again?"

        Pete laughed and smiled at me. He said, "You must be imagining things."

        As soon as Patrick was up and dressed in a pair of black shorts, a green shirt and one of his lovely fedoras, we walked to the elevator and I pressed the close button. It was quiet when I heard someone yell, "Fuckkkkkkk!"

      I said, "Stupid teenage boys."

      Pete said, "That's how most pot smokers are."

     I said, "Not all of them are pot smokers."

     He just laughed and rolled his eyes. I said to Patrick, "I like your shirt. I met them last year."

     Patrick said, looking down at his OneRepublic band tee, "I love their music. Pete and I met them too." I smiled at Pete as the elevator opened.

     He said, "Where are Joe and Andy?"

     I said, "They're upstairs. Third floor guest room."

     Pete said, "How many floors are in your house?"

     I said, "Four, six if you count the basement and the attic. We have a lot of music and work stuff on the fourth floor. Plus a game room, a bowling alley and an indoor pool. My dad likes a lot of that stuff."

     Pete said, "It's an awesome house."

     Patrick said, "It really is."

     I smiled and said, "Thank you. So what do we wanna do today?"

     Pete said, sitting on one side of me, "Do you have a nearby mall? I brought a ton of cash in hopes of that."

     Patrick said, sitting on my other side, "I love the mall. I like a lot of stuff. Do you guys have a golf course? I haven't gone to one of those in ages."

     I said, putting one arm on either guy, "We have all that stuff. San Francisco is a place of wonders. Too bad we're losing one though."

     Pete said, "The 49ers?"

     I said, "Yeah. They'll be in Santa Clara soon. Which is still kinda close. It's too bad they're demolishing it. JT and Jay-Z killed it over there, and now they can't ever again."

    Pete smiled, and Patrick said, "Well, I think we should get Joe and Andy's opinions too."

    Pete said, "That would be nice. Um, is there anything good on TV?"

    I turned it on and said, "Do you guys like Best Ink? Well, of course you do. You host it."

    Pete laughed and said, "That's cool."

    Patrick nodded, and I turned it on. We watched for about 20 minutes before Pete said, "I'ma go get them up. Um, I have a really good idea. Does anyone have a Snapchat?"

    I said, "Yeah, I do."

    He said, "Perfect." He pulled a weird pen with a football attached to the top of it out of his pocket. "Come on!"

     We went upstairs and Patrick opened the door to their bedroom. Both of them were sleeping, and I pulled up Snapchat.

     Pete said, "Put it on video."

      I did just that, and we walked over to Joe's bed.

       I saw Andy get up slowly and he said, "Hey, guys. What are you doing?"

       Pete said, "Making magic. You can go now."

      I started filming and he said, "Hey, this is Pete Wentz and welcome to Jackass." He pushed the button and the football whacked Joe in the eye.

      The four of us started laughing until our sides hurt and Joe said, "Fuck, man. What the fuck is your problem?" Patrick, Pete and I responded by running out of the door, laughing. Andy was still laughing and the two got up.

       After getting dressed and sending the video to all of my and their friends, Joe and Andy walked downstairs, both of them laughing. Pete said, "Good morning, sunshine."

     Joe said over our hysterical laughing, "What's up, home skillets? Pete, I'm pissed at you."

     Pete laughed and I said, "We were actually wondering what to do today. We thought of the mall, golf course,-"

     Joe and Andy said in unison, "GOLF COURSE!"

     Pete said, looking a bit defeated but still excited, "Golf course it is then."

     Joe and Andy were dressed, so I said, "Well, first I have to wake up my friends, and then we can go."

      It took me about 5 minutes to get everyone up, and I invited all of them to come over. Jada, Devon, Andrew and Jessica said yes; Stella and Andrew had to go.

       I said as soon as we were all downstairs, "Let's go. I have to leave my mom and dad a note first." I walked over to the counter and wrote a note saying, "Going mini golfing. Be back later!" And then, we were ready to go.

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