Last Friday Night [Part 2] (Patrick's POV)

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     As soon as we walked in Madison's front door, she yelled, "I'M HOME!" She said, "Sorry. I have to yell again. BRADY!!"

     "This house better be on fucking fire if you're yelling at me like that." A tall, brunette boy who I assumed was Brady walked out of the elevator (yes, their house had an elevator), rolled his eyes.

     Madison said, "Oh, guys, this is my brother, Brady. Brady, say hello."

     Brady said, "Hello, alternative rock band that I've been trying to meet for years and suddenly my sisters wins a competition to meet. It's actually great to meet you. Sorry if I seemed sarcastic. It's just what I do."

      Pete said, "It's cool. Do you wanna play a game later? It's called "Best Day, Worst Day."

      Brady said, "Sure. Can my friends play?"

      I said, "Hell yeah. Like I told your sis, the more, the merrier."

      Brady smiled and said, "Well, it was great meeting you guys. I heard you'll be down the whole week, and I'll see you tonight! Later." He walked out the door, waving.

       I heard the elevator ding again and out walked another guy, but he looked about 40. The man said, "Oh, Maddie, you're home. Can you come here a second?"

      Madison said, "Oh, sure!" She followed him back up the elevator.


       Madison's dad, Adam, said, "Maddie, why is there a pop rock band in my house?"                

       Madison said, "You know how I won that contest? They came down today and they'll be here for the whole week."

        Adam said, "That's fine. I love Fall Out Boy, especially their song, 'Sliced Tomatoes'."

        Madison laughed and said, "It's 'Young Volcanoes.' You're funny."

        In less than 20 seconds later, Madison was back downstairs. She said, "Do you guys wanna go downtown? We have a lot of nice stores, a bowling alley, a movie theater, if you like going there, we have it."

         Joe laughed and said, "That sounds fun. I like bowling, myself. And so do the guys."

         Madison said, "Okay, let's go then! BYE, DAD!"

         Andy said, "Your yell is the best."

         Madison said, "Thank you."

*3 hours later*

           Bowling was awesome! We played in teams, me, Maddie and Pete vs. Joe, Andy, and some random chick that was a huge fan of us and apparently was in 3 of Madison's classes. We were at Chili's now, and we were joking around and having a good time. We got a booth again, and Pete was in the middle of me and Maddie again. Don't get me wrong, I love Pete like a brother, but it felt like Maddie liked him more. Oh, well.

              I was eating a chicken crisper when I heard, "Maddie!" Madison looked up, and Pete and I turned around to see 5 guys and 1 girl at our table.

               Madison said, "Hey, guys! Pete, Patrick, Joe, Andy, these are my friends, Jada, Andrew, Devon, Mack, Dustin, and Brad. Jada and Devon are in my Spanish class."

                Jada said, "It's great to meet you guys! We are so jealous when Madison won that contest."

                Madison said, "You guys should come over tonight! We're gonna play games and hang out. Plus, Brady, Ryan, A.J, Josh, Mikaela, Brandy, Stella, Allie and Andrea will be there. My brother might bring more friends too."

                 Devon said, "We can come!"

                 Andrew teased, "Don't punch Brady in the face again."  

                 Devon said, "That was one time! Okay, maybe six. But we're friends now. That shit won't happen."

                   Joe said, "Well, we're all done. Let's go!"

                   Pete said, "Your fat ass doesn't want dessert?"

                  Joe said, "Yeah, it does. Thanks for reminding me, skinny ass."

                  We all laughed and Jada, Devon, Andrew, Mack, Brad, and Dustin sat across from us, laughing the night away.

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