The Mighty Fall (Madison's POV)

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    I was surprised to see that when we got home on Tuesday, Joe and Andy were getting into it with one another. Apparently, Joe was jealous that Andy had been congratulated by some random pretty chick after 4th period, but he hadn't. So they were fighting. Andy had driven home to avoid contact with Joe.

    "Fucking stupid." Pete scoffed as he sat down on a couch in the music room.

    I said, sitting next to him, "Honestly, though. Over a girl."

    Patrick said, sitting by me, "They're best friends. A girl shouldn't be able to get in between them. It's fucking bullshit."

    Pete said, "I swear to fucking God, if they pull me or either of you two into it, I will murder one of them. This is a nice room."

    I grabbed 3 sodas out of the cooler and threw them at the guys. Sitting down again, I said, "They can't be fighting on Friday. Mr. Miller wouldn't allow you. He'd kick you out of the dance in 3 seconds flat."

    We heard someone, most likely Joe, yell, "Well, fuck you then!" There was a glass- breaking sound to accompany it.

    Pete said, "Shit." The three of us stood up and he started to run down the stairs. Wanting to save time, we followed. But maybe we should have just taken an extra 3 seconds. As soon as Pete stepped on the second flight of stairs, he tripped. Also, the glass bottle of soda fell out of his hand and broke. He fell directly on the pile of glass. Ouch.

     Luckily, Andy and Joe heard us and came running up the stairs. I said, "Oh my gosh, Pete, are you okay?"

     He sat up and said, "Not really." There was a gash above his left eyebrow, a cut on his right leg, a huge piece of glass in his palm and his arm was bleeding.

      I said, "I'll go get a first aid kit. Andy, please go grab the broom to sweep this stuff up. Um, Patrick, here." I handed him a napkin in my pocket and said, "Hold this over his arm, please. And Joe, um, come with me."

      Joe and I ran up the stairs to the bathroom. I looked in the cabinet and grabbed a first- aid kit. He said, "How did he fall?"

     I said, "We heard you and Andy fighting, then we heard glass break, and he started running and tripped. And he had a glass soda in his hand."

     Joe said as we ran down the stairs, "Fuck. Poor guy."

     Andy was already there, sweeping glass. Patrick held the napkin over the gash, and I grabbed tape and gauze as Joe knelt down and pat Pete on the head.

     He said, "I feel bad that you guys are waiting on me."

     I dabbed his forehead and Joe dabbed his leg and I said, "Don't feel bad. It's not your fault." Joe and Andy looked at each other and sighed. I quickly wrapped his arm and leg, and I placed a bandage on his forehead.

     I said, referring to his palm, "Okay, you might wanna hold someone's hand, cause this is gonna hurt like a bitch."

     Pete clutched Patrick's hand and I quickly ripped out the glass. He whimpered but didn't scream or anything. I wrapped his hand and then said, "All better. Thanks so much, guys." I kissed Pete's forehead, pat Patrick on the back and high- fived Joe. Andy was still sweeping, so I decided to give him some space.

      When we all went to bed about 3 hours later, Joe and Andy hadn't made up but weren't arguing as much, and Pete slept with me again. It was quiet when I said, "You know how I told you about Caitlyn trying to ruin our lives?"

      He said, "Yeah. Why?"

      I said, "What if, what if Joe and Andy fighting and you falling were side effects to that?"

     He said, "I still don't think that could happen. It's not like she's some witch or some shit."

     I said, "You know what? You're right. It's stupid."

    He gave me a thumbs- up and said, "Nighty night."

   I said, "Night."

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