Fun Packed Day [Part 2] (Pete/Joe/Andy/Patrick's POV)

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     We were literally one person away from being packed to the brim. Joe, Devon, and Andrew went upstairs to play Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Andy went to go drive the bus, leaving me, Patrick, Maddie, Jada, and Jessica downstairs. Madison, Jada, Patrick, and Jessica were flipping between The Big Bang Theory and Drake and Josh, and laughing until the cows came home. I was just chilling, laying down on the bed couch with a hood over my head.

       Maddie said as soon as The Big Bang Theory went on commercial and a commercial for Survivor 28 played, "Pete, are you okay? You've been kinda distant the whole time."

        I said, "I'm fine. Just a bit tired and stressed out. I'm sorry." I sat up and said, "Do you guys wanna play a game? Truth or Dare maybe?"

        Maddie and Jada came to sit on either side of me. Jada said, "I love that game."

        Jessica said, sitting by Madison, "Me too."

        Patrick was the last to join us, and he somehow managed to wedge himself between Jada and I. He said, "Can I go first?"

        I said, "Knock yourself out, Stump."

        He said, "Sure thing, Wentz. Um, we don't have a huge selection of people. Jessica, I'll start with you. Truth or dare?"

        She said, "Truth. That's always a good place to start."

        I said, "Okay. Um, I'll start off easy and stupid. When did you have your first kiss?"

        Jessica said, "I was 13, I think. Yeah. It was Mark Roberts. He did it without my discretion."

        We all laughed and she said, "Um, Maddie. Truth or dare?"

        Maddie said, "Truth.", and I ran to the restroom because I had to go super bad.

        Jessica said, "Okay. If you walked in your room and found Pete butt naked on your bed, what would you do?"

         Maddie said, "It depends. I probably wouldn't 'do it' with him just because he has a girlfriend, but maybe I'd get in bed with him or something. I'm not sure."

          Just in time for Maddie to ask me a question, I came back from the bathroom. She said, "Pete. Truth or dare?"

           I said, smirking, "Dare."

           She said, "Okay. I dare you to, um, run upstairs in just your underwear and yell, 'My body is ready!'"

            I said, "Do I have to?"

           She said, "Is it against the rules to give you 2 choices?"

           Jada said, "There's no rule."

           She said, "Okay. Your second choice is to make out with Patrick for 30 seconds."

           Both Patrick and I smiled and I said, "Come on, Patrick."

           The five of us laughed and I grabbed Patrick's lips and began to make out with them. I saw Patrick grin at Maddie and then proceed to grab my ass. I didn't care if I was dating Maegan and he was married, this felt good. I was so glad I got this second choice.


       "Haha, beat you again!" Devon bragged as he and I high- fived one another for our second win on Ghosts.

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