Young Volcanoes (Madison/Jada's POV)

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        We all woke up at 6:30 this morning as opposed to 7. It was revenge day. I had always ffelt that sometimes, forgiveness was good, but other times, revenge was necessary. Today was one of those times.

         Pete said as he put socks on, "Today's gonna be the best. I love getting revenge."

         Andy said, walking into the room, "Yeah, because you're Pete Wentz. Pete Wentz loves anything that involves embarrassment and humiliation."

          Pete said in a flirtish tone, "You know me so well." He put a pair of camo Vans on and said, "Well, I'm ready."

           It was 7:30 when everyone was ready, so we decided to wait 10 minutes then leave for the 2- minute drive. Today was not about error.


    Maddie and the guys told me, Devon, Andrew, Mack, Dustin, and Brad about their plan. Only Devon and I had 6th with Maddie, but the other 4 were curious. It was a genius plan. 20 dollars says Pete thought of it. Well, he didn't. But oh, well.

     It seemed like the day went by extremely slow because I was excited. Since I had every class with Maddie, I would have hoped the guys would have pulled their prank earlier, but Caitlyn had only 6th with us. Go figure.

      To prepare for the prank, I played "The Phoenix". It's was Patrick's favorite fight song. Hell, it was everyone's favorite fight song. Pete tried to grind on Maddie again. Well, some people just never learn. When we were close to the class, Maddie said, "Guys, um, Patrick and Pete, start yelling. Just anything. But make it mean!"

        Patrick said, "Okay. Pete, you are the biggest faggot I have ever met!" He said, "Is that good?"

        I gave him a thumbs- up, and Pete barked, "At least I look like my fucking gender!"

       We walked in the class and Joe said, "Hey, guys. Stop fighting." This improv rocked.

       Pete said, "Don't tell me what to do, afro!" I saw Devon, who was sitting in the back, put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. Pete said, "I don't fucking tell you how to live your life."

        Andy said, "Don't make fun of his afro! At least he didn't cheat on his wife with a guy!"

        Pete said, "Oh, fuck you." He pushed Andy down, and I could tell that Joe, Pete, Maddie, Patrick, and Andy were all about to laugh. So was I.

        Patrick pulled up a chair next to Maddie and I and Pete sat down in the seat in front of her, since we sat in the very back.

        Joe said, "Leave Andy alone!"

       Patrick said, "Stay out of his life!"

       Andy said, "Gosh, you guys are all so annoying. Fuck you all."

       Maddie stood up and said, "Guys, stop fighting! You used to all be tight, what happened?"

       Pete said, "Well, ever since Caitlyn put you on the spot, our friendships have been fucked up."

       Andy said, "Why, Caitlyn? Why?"

      Cailtyn said, "Okay, that's it! I'm sorry. I know I did something wrong, and I feel awful. I was just upset that you guys liked her better on the competition and I went too far with my revenge. I hope you guys can forgive me."

       The 7 of us, including Devon, hugged and high- fived. I turned on the 'dubstep drop' in "Death Valley" and Pete started getting his freak on and we all laughed. Cailtyn said, "What's going on?"

       Pete said, "We knew you were lying about Maddie saying all that stuff, and we didn't believe her. But then we made up and decided to give you a taste of your own medicine. I'm sorry if we were harsh." He laughed and went to go hug her.

        She said, "I feel awful, still. I've been mean to everyone in this class."

        Maddie said, "Don't feel bad. It was pretty funny. I forgive you."

        The two hugged and Maddie hugged Pete again. Revenge was fun, and I'm glad all of us were on good terms. Patrick said, "Mrs. G, do you mind if Maddie sings a song for us?"

         Mrs. G said, "Of course not. Go ahead, Maddie."

        Maddie said, "Caitlyn, since I beat you, do you wanna join me?"

        She said, smiling, "Sure."

("Young Volcanoes"

When Rome's in ruins, we are the lions

Free of the coliseums

In poison places, we are anti-venom

We're the beginning of the end

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


Come on make it easy, say I never mattered

Run it up the flagpole

We will teach you how to make boys next door

Out of assholes

Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds

It's all over now before it has begun

We've already won

We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


We are wild, we are like young volcanoes

We are wild, Americana, exotica

Do you wanna feel a little beautiful baby?


        The two hugged and I played the drop again, and this time, Pete, Maddie, Patrick, me, Joe, Andy, Devon, Caitlyn, and the rest of the class started doing it. I was gonna miss having these guys around. I watched Pete and Maddie mirror one another's dances and just laughed and went to join Patrick and Devon.

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