Dance, Dance (Best Night Ever) [Pete's POV]

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Since school ended at 12:27, we had plenty of time to prepare for the 7-10:00 dance. I still couldn't believe we were gonna perform as I tied my bowtie around the collar of my tuxedo. It wasn't a formal dance, but the guys and I were gonna dress nice and then change on stage into regular clothes. I put on a pair of dress shoes and then looked in the mirror. Damn, it was like the eyeliner days. Well, not really. But sort of. You know what I mean.

Maddie walked into her room, wearing yoga leggings and red Converse. I said, "You look formal for tonight."

She said, "Shut up."

I kissed her on the cheek and then the guys walked in. Joe said, "What's good?" Him, Andy, and Patrick were wearing tuxes and ties as well. I said, "Not much. Just getting ready." I took out of my suitcase a pair of shorts, my "In Memory Of I Don't Remember" t-shirt and two pairs of shoes: blue Converse and flip- flops. We were supposed to look spring- like, whatever the fuck that means. I guessed comfortable and cool. I'd decide what shoes to wear. Right now, I had to finish getting ready.

We lost Patrick when we got to the dance at 6:00 to prepare. Jada, Devon, Andrew, Mack, Dustin and Brad, and Caitlyn (I'd invited her to come early and the guys were cool with it) joined us after a few minutes. I said, "Okay, where the fuck is Patrick? We've gotta start now."

Andrew said, "I saw Patrick throwing up in the garbage can. He can't perform."

Jessica was with her and she said, "Shut up, Andrew. He's in the bathroom. He'll be here soon." I socked Andrew in the arm and he laughed.

Time flew by, and soon, it was about 8 and we were having a good time. The DJ played a slow song, and me, Patrick, Jada, Maddie, and Jessica were jamming it out together. For the third time that week, I grinded on Maddie, and people were staring at us, shocked that post-emo pop rock bassist Pete Wentz was grinding on Maddie Baker and not the other way around (Maddie didn't grind on people.)

Sooner than later, it was time for us to perform. We ran up there and as a joke, Joe started playing "Lolly" on the turntables. I laughed and slapped his back. Everyone ran up to the stage, and it was time.

("Dance, Dance"

She says she's no good with words but I'm worse 

Barely stuttered out 

A joke of a romantic stuck to my tongue 

And weighed down with words too overdramatic 

Tonight it's "it cant get much worse"  

Vs. "no one should ever feel like.."

I'm two quarters and a heart down 

And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds 

These words are all I have so I write them 

I need them just to get by

Dance, Dance 

We're falling apart to half time 

Dance, Dance 

And these are the lives you love to lead 

Dance, this is the way they'd love 

If they knew how misery loved me

You always fold just before you're found out 

Drink up its last call 

Last resort 

But only the first mistake and I...

I'm two quarters and a heart down 

And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds 

These words are all I have so I write them 

I need them just to get by

Why don't you show me a little bit of spine 

You've been saving for his mattress, love

Dance, Dance 

We're falling apart to half time 

Dance, Dance 

And these are the lives you love to lead 

Dance, this is the way they'd love 

If they knew how misery loved me

Why don't you show me a little bit of spine 

You've been saving for his mattress (mattress, mattress) 

I only want sympathy in the form of you crawling into bed with me

Dance, Dance 

We're falling apart to half time 

Dance, Dance 

And these are the lives you love to lead

Dance this is the way they'd love (way they'd love) 

Dance this is the way they'd love (way they'd love) 

Dance this is the way they'd love 

If they knew how misery loved me

Dance, Dance 

Dance, Dance 

Dance, Dance 

Dance, Dance) 

Somewhere in between the song, the four of us had run off stage for about 30 seconds- 1 minute and then changed into our clothes. I went with the flip- flops because they looked nicer. When the song was over, Maddie and Jada ran up on stage and hugged us. Joe came up, pushed me down, and stole one of my shoes and threw it in the crowd. After Devon had caught it and gave Joe the thumbs- up, I had gone crowd surfing: literally. It was an interesting night. 

*2 hours later* 

A ton of people were over to celebrate our week over and us leaving tomorrow. It was kinda sad. A week ago, we met Maddie and she'd become one of our best friends. 

Everyone was having a fun time when Maddie stood on a table and said, "Everybody, I'd like to make a toast." Everyone shut up after a while and listened to her. She said, "Um, a week ago, I won a contest to meet these guys. I wasn't expecting to like them being around so much. In a week, I've been grinded on, gone go- karting and mini golfing all in one day, been targeted against by a classmate, helped a friend with problems and had more fun that I've ever had. Scratch what I said about my best day being the day I got my part in 'Oh, Cassie.' That's my second best day. The best day of my life was when I met my new friends Andy Hurley, Patrick Stump, Joe Trohman, and last but certainly not least, Pete Wentz." 

She jumped off the table into my arms. A few minutes later, we were in her room, making out. It felt nice. I heard Joe say, "Now, if you look over there, guys, you'll see Pete and Maddie making a baby." I heard Devon laugh, and Maddie threw pillows at both of them. 

I then saw someone I didn't expect to see. Meagan. I said, "Um, hi." 

She said, "I'm so sorry about Raul. I didn't think he'd be so rude. Um, wanna get back together?" 

I looked at Maddie, and she said, "I'm cool." Meagan and I started making out on her bed, and she got up and stood next to Devon. He hugged Maddie, and she said, "He's an interesting one." 

*the next day* 

After hugging and stuff, we left. I watched from the tour bus and I sighed. She'd given all of us her number to keep in touch. Also, she'd kissed all of us on the cheek. I was glad I'd met her and even more glad that she'd invited all of us to her band's next concert. It had really been the best week of my life.

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