Fun Packed Day (Part 3) [Pete/Madison's POV]

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It seemed like we'd only been driving for 5 minutes when Joe finally came in the room and said, "We here." After all, we were having so much fun. But go- karting was just as fun. We did competitions and established 2 groups: me, Patrick, Madison, Jada and Jessica vs. Joe, Andy, Devon, and Andrew. Prior to today, Jessica had had no interest in go- karting, but she ended up enjoying it. A lot. Due to an uneven number, we had to take one member out, and it worked out because Patrick was too small for the smallest helmet.

We each picked one person to square off against, and it became me vs. Joe, Jada vs. Andy, Maddie vs. Devon (no surprise there), and Jessica vs. Andrew (poor girl, the kid was funny but somewhat annoying). It was obvious that I, Andrew, and Jada had taken the lead in our battles, but both Maddie and Devon had lots of experience and I knew it could go either way. Patrick looked lonely until a teenage fan boy sat down next to him and chatted it up.

After we were all done, with the leaders winning, we waited for 20 minutes for Maddie and Devon to finish. It was so close, we almost called it a tie, but Maddie ended up taking the title. After waiting for the two to get unsituated, we went in the arcade and ordered sodas and ice cream. Maddie sat at the end of one side, and I was one seat away from her.

Patrick, who sat in between us two, looked depressed and I wasn't sure why. But I needed to find out. Little Pattycakes was like a brother. He would always be there for me, and I was determined to do the same.

Patrick didn't stay quiet forever, though. He had a good time with us. He fucked around with Jada, Andrew, Joe, and Andy, played skeeball with Jessica, challenged Madison to various games, and played Dance Dance Revolution, some motorcycle game and other games with me and Devon. In the end, we all had enough tickets to buy all of the 3 top gifts. We all ended up buying each other gifts and we'd been there for 2 hours when we left. It was 2:30 when we walked out of the amusement park.

Devon joked, "Fuck, if we went to L.A. we could probably be there by 7:30."

I joked/teased, "Next weekend." They had minimum days, ending at 12:27. STAR Testing was coming up, and they had to prepare, prepare, prepare. Ironic how their days were cut short. Oh, well.

*skipping forward 7-8 hours*


Our friends had left at 9:00, after we'd watched Pitch Perfect, Elf, and Mean Girls. All of them were hilarious, especially Pitch Perfect. I hadn't seen it before. Weird. We watched an episode of Glee, "The Quarterback." Cory was fucking awesome. All of us, even tough guy Joe, had cried.

I rolled into bed around 10:30 after watching an episode of Drake and Josh and opened the door to see my light on and Pete, wearing nothing but red/ black checkered pajama pants, laying on my bed.

I said, "Hey, Pete."

Pete said, "Hey. Um, do you mind if I sleep in here with you tonight? I'm giving Patrick some alone time."

I said, "Go on ahead. Turn around though. I'm gonna change."

I changed quick and then climbed into my bed. I flipped off the light after turning on a night light I liked to use. I liked some dark, but not complete dark. I never imagined that Pete Wentz would be half- naked in my bed. I kinda liked it.

I said, "So, um, you said you were stressed earlier. I know this probably isn't my business, but why?"

He sighed and said, "It's Patrick. He's been sad lately, and I don't know why. That's why I've been hella clingy and I was so excited to kiss him earlier. He's a good ass kisser. And an even better ass grabber."

I laughed and said, "Wow. Pervert."

He pouted, "Shut up!"

I smiled, and I felt his cold as fuck foot touch my leg. He said, "Oh, sorry."

I smiled and said, "It's fine."

I got closer as well and felt myself leaning in. Oh my freaking god. Were we really going to, you know, kiss?

And our lips were just about to touch when Patrick knocked on the door.

I said, "Come on in!"

Patrick walked in and said, "Petey, are you sure you're okay in here? No offense, Maddie."

I waved it off and Pete said, "I'm fine. Have your alone time."

Patrick said, "Okay."

He closed the door, and Pete said, "Do you see my problem?"

I nodded and said, "I'm sorry."

He said, "It's fine. So, where were we?"

I said, "I think we were about to kiss. Which, I had a question. Wouldn't Maegan be mad about that?"

Pete said, "She doesn't give a fuck. She gives fans kisses all the time. We've both agreed to let that sort of stuff slide. As long as neither of us has sex, we're fine."

I laughed and said, "You're too much."

Pete said, "Aren't I?" Then, we did it. He leaned in and kissed me. Not on the cheek or on the forehead. The freaking lips. I'd kissed many guys, but this felt nice. Sort of. I still felt guilty about Maegan, but he was a good kisser.

He smiled and said, "Good night, Maddie."

I said, "Good night, Pete."

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