Last Friday Night [Part 1] (Madison's POV)

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       The ride wasn't too far from my school to my house. It would have been 3 minutes, but Andy wanted Starbucks. His treat, even though I pleaded him to let me pay for mine. He said no, however. Pete, Patrick and I all got a double chocolate chip, Joe got a java chip Frappuccino, and Andy got a caramel mocchiato. We got a booth. Joe and Andy sat by each other, and Pete sat in between Patrick and I. Call me crazy, but it felt like Pete was trying to get close to me. Oh, well.

        It only took 15 minutes for Andy to literally gulp down his drink and then wait impatiently for us to finish. Joe had drunken his Frappuccino extremely slow just to piss Andy off, and Andy had rudely spilled it on his face. After buying another one, we were back on the road, until Joe wanted to go into Whole Foods and look for cookies. After Andy had gone with him inside, Pete, Patrick and I were alone.

         Patrick said, "So, how's your rich people school?"

         Pete said, "I'm surprised you're not some rich bitch."

        Patrick said, "Pete!"

        Pete said, "It's true!"

        I said, laughing, "It's fine." Patrick walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a box of 50 frosted cookies. Pete said, "Really, Patrick?"

         Patrick said, "Wanna play a game?"

         I said, "Sure. How do you play?"

         Pete said, "You don't wanna play."

         Patrick said, "So, the game is called Best Day, Worst Day." Pete reluctantly grabbed 3 2- liters. Patrick continued, "Here's how you play. All of us tell a story about the best day of our life. The winner doesn't have to do anything, but the losers each have to eat a cookie and have half a cup of the soda of their choice. Then we do the same thing, but tell a story about our worst day. Whoever has drinken and eaten the least after 20 rounds wins, and if you throw up or give up, you're out."

          As Joe and Andy walked in, Patrick said, "We'll play later tonight."

           I said, "Can my brother and sister play too?"

           Patrick smirked and said, "The more, the merrier."

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